How to understand that the bidder is not responsible for the judgment and decision made by the bidder accordingly

Tender Document

Tender Document No.

Bidder: Limited Company

December 3, 2008


Part I. Contents of the Tender

Part II. Notice to Tenderers

Part III. Opening and Evaluation of Tenders

Part IV. Format of the Tender

Part IV. p>Part I Contents of Bidding

1. Contents of Bidding

1.1 Renting of green plants and flowers for elevator halls, restrooms, lobbies, etc. on all floors in the building (actual floors***15 floors)

1.2 Renting of green plants for office areas on the floors of the building for its own use.

1.3 Holidays, major events, public **** area flower rental services.

2. Basic project information

1.1 Project name: 。。。。。。。。

1.2 Project Address: Beijing 。。。。。。。

1.3 Project overview: divided into two buildings in the south and north, with a total floor area of about 70,000 square meters, floors 1-4 are leased floors, with an area of about 8,500 square meters (excluding the large meeting room on the 3rd floor and the conference rooms in the south and north on the 3rd floor); floors 5-15 are self-use floors, with an area of about 37,500 square meters (including the large meeting room on the 3rd floor and the conference rooms in the south and north on the 3rd floor)

1.4 Overview of the warehouse: the building does not provide rental space

3. Bidding and opening

Bidding deadline: 2008-12-16 before 17:00 hours

Opening of the bidding form: in the form of a unilateral negotiation by the bidder

Negotiation of the bidding period: 2008-12-20 to 2008-12-26

Negotiation of the bidding period: 2008-12-20 to 2008-12-26

Bidding will be conducted by the bidder on the basis of a number of criteria. During this period, selective on-site inspection will be carried out on the performance details provided by the bidders, and the bidders shall cooperate unconditionally.

Date of notification of award: 2008-12-26 by 17:00 hrs

Part II Bidding Instructions

1. General Provisions

1.1 Scope of Application

This bidding document is only applicable to 。。。。。。。 Flower and Greenery Services.

1.2 Definitions

"Bidder" means 。。。。。。。 which organizes this tender. Limited Liability Company.

"Bidder" means the entity that submits the bidding documents to the bidder.

1.3 Qualified Bidders

Units that have been pre-qualified are eligible to participate in the tender.

1.4 Bidding Costs

The bidder, whether successful or not, shall bear all of his/her full costs associated with participation in the bidding.

2. The bidder shall seal the original and copies of the bidding documents and attachments (in duplicate) in separate envelopes and stamp the official seal of the bidder's unit on the seal (see Bidding Format VII for details), and the envelopes shall be labeled with the words "。。。。。。。 Bidding Document for Flower and Greenery Rental Service", and send it to 。。。。。 before 17:00 hours on December 16, 2008 Address: Beijing 。。。。。。。 No.

3. The bidder shall not change or amend the bidding documents without the authorization or permission of the bidder, and any alteration or modification shall be deemed invalid. If any modification is proposed, a separate document must be sent with the tender documents.

4. The bidder must check the number of pages in the bidding document and notify the bidder in writing of any omission, duplication or ambiguity before the opening of the bidding document for rectification, and the bidder shall not be liable for any claim arising out of the above.

5. If any error is discovered by the tenderer after submission of the tender, the tenderer may inform the bidder in writing of the error and submit a revised version before the opening of the tender.

6. The Bidder does not guarantee that the lowest bidder will be the successful bidder.

7. Renminbi (RMB) shall be used as the unit of currency in the tender.

8. The bidder has the right to cancel or add any item in the scope of services related to the rental and decoration in the "Instructions to Bidders" or to invite separate bids, and the bidder shall not object to it or ask for additional claims due to the reduction of the contents of the bid items.

9. The bidder shall not be liable for any claims made against the bidder for the above mentioned provisions due to negligence in the documents. In the event of any ambiguity or contradiction in the documents or correspondence, all interpretations shall be based on the later dated documents or correspondence.

10. It is the responsibility of the successful bidder to further improve and amend any imperfections in its bid when signing the contract so that the bidders can enjoy the best quality of rental services.

11. The bidder reserves the right to negotiate further with any bidder after the opening of the tender.

12. The bidder agrees to abide by all the terms of this tender for a period of three months from the date stipulated for submission of the tender documents. During this period, this Tender will be binding on the Bidder.

13. The bidder shall have the right to conduct a site visit to the project offered by the bidder, and the bidder shall fully cooperate

13. Composition of Bidding Documents (Note: Bidders are requested to bind the bidding documents in the following order in A4 size)

13.1 Bidding Documents and their Annexes

13.2 Bidding Documents (Technical Bid, Commercial Bid)

13.2.1 Technical Bid Copy of Business License (required to clearly reflect the record of annual inspection of the enterprise legal person and the business scope, and at the same time, stamped with the official seal of the bidder) Copy of Taxation Registration Certificate (stamped with the official seal of the bidder) Certificate of Qualification of Legal Representative Authorization letter of legal representative (must be present when non-statutory representative bids) Service commitment letter Comprehensive statement of the bidder's situation (including the place of business and facilities, staffing structure, annual turnover and income, honors received and bad records, and other types of situations of the bidder) Bidder's work performance in the past three years On-site personnel Project management of the service purpose, business philosophy, corporate image Analysis of the project characteristics For the management mode of this project, to be management mode, work plan management rules and regulations (work procedures and standards)

13.2.2 Business Bid Quotation

①The bidder will be the company operated by the flowers by species, specifications by quotation (bidding format three table 1)

②The bidder will be self-designed, installed or placed and implemented holiday flower beds, celebration flower beds and other styles, in the form of pictures for quotation (Table 2 in the bidding format three) The bidding documents, text or drawings, information is not described or incomplete, but in the relevant laws and regulations within the scope of the content of the basic content of the project management services should be involved in or may be incurred, regardless of whether the Whether the bidder quotes separately or not, the bidder is deemed to have been included in the bid price The bidder shall set out the unit price of the cost of the rental service and the total bid price; the unit price of the monthly rental can not be adjusted due to seasonal and other factors; the bill of quantities and varieties of the works listed in the bidding format III in this bidding document is a tentative quantity The bidder does not accept optional quotes The bidding price shall be quoted in RMB The items in the bidding list shall be regarded as having been fully considered for the full management services to be carried out, and the amount of the bidding price has included all the related costs, such as labor, materials, equipment, wear and tear of the materials, packaging, transportation, storage, management, taxes, profits, risks, and no any adjustments due to fluctuations in salaries, material freight charges, warehouse rentals, insurance, subsistence indices, tax rates, interest rates or foreign exchange prices, etc.

14. Preparation of Bidding Documents

14.1 Language of Bidding Documents and Units of Measurement

14.1.1 Bidding Documents, and Bidder's and Bidder's Documents and Correspondence shall be in Chinese language

14.1. 2 units of measurement used in the bidding documents, in addition to the bidding documents have special requirements, are used in the Chinese people *** and the country's legal units of measurement

14.2 all the contents of the bidding documents should be consistent with the country's relevant laws, regulations and standards, filled out in accordance with the unified format

14.3 the information that makes up the bidding documents should comply with the provisions of this document

14.4 The bidding document must be signed by the legal representative or authorized representative

14.5 The bidding document shall be in two copies, including one original and one copy

14.6 The original bidding document must be filled out or printed in non-fading ink with the word "original", and the copy can be photocopied. The bidder shall seal the original and all the copies of the submitted documents in a separate envelope and mark the envelope with the words "original" and "copy"

14.7 The bidding documents shall not be altered or added or deleted, and if there is any modification of the misrepresentation, it must be signed or stamped by the same signatory

14.8 The bidding documents shall not be altered or added or deleted. If there is any modification of the wrong place, it must be signed or stamped by the same signatory

14.8 The bidder shall be responsible for the consequences arising from the scribbling or unclear expression of the bidding documents

Part III Bid Opening and Evaluation

1.1 Opening of Bids

1.1.1 The bidders shall send the bidding documents to the bidder in sealed form by the stipulated bidding deadline, and the bidding documents shall not be valid after that time. The expiration date is invalid

1.1.2 At the time of opening, the sealing of the bidding documents will be checked and confirmed to be correct and then unsealed

1.1.3 Determination of Responsiveness of Bidding Documents After the opening of the bidding documents, the bidders will organize a bid evaluation team to review the bidding documents to see if they are complete, if there are any errors in calculations, and if the documents are appropriately signed. If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price, the unit price shall prevail; if there is a difference between the data expressed in capitalized words and those expressed in figures, the data expressed in capitalized words shall prevail. If the Bidder refuses to accept the above amendments, its Bid will be rejected Prior to the detailed evaluation of the Bidding Documents, the Bidder will examine the Bidder's financial and technical capabilities on the basis of the qualification documents provided by the Bidder. If it is determined that the Bidder is not qualified to perform the Contract, its Bid will be rejected. All modifications in the Bid must be confirmed with a company seal and signature The Bidder will determine whether each Bidder has substantially responded to the requirements of the Bidding Documents without material deviation. A substantially responsive Bid is one in which the Bidding Documents conform to all terms, conditions and provisions of the Bidding Documents without material deviation or reservation. The following are considered as non-substantial responsive bids:

ⅰ. Insufficient validity period of the bid;

ⅱ. Lack of technical response;

ⅲ. Lack of clarity in the list of detailed quotations or itemized quotations;

ⅳ. Other significant deviations, such as deviations in technical response, etc. not acceptable to the bidder;

v. The bidder's judgment of responsiveness of the bidding document is based only on the bidding document itself and does not rely on external evidence

vi. Bidders will reject bids determined to be non-substantially responsive, and bidders will not be able to make their bids substantially responsive by amending or withdrawing discrepancies

vii. Bidders will be allowed to amend minor, informal, inconsistent or irregularities in the Bid that do not constitute a material deviation

1.1.4 Clarification of Bidding Documents In order to assist in reviewing, evaluating, and comparing the Bidding Documents, the Bidder has the right to challenge the Bidder for clarification of the contents of its Bid. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to appoint an authorized representative to answer or clarify at the time and place notified by the Bidder Responses to important clarifications shall be in writing but shall not materially modify the contents of the Bid

1.2 Evaluation of Bids

1.2.1 The Bidder and its Evaluation Committee organized by the Bidder will evaluate and compare substantially responsive Bid Documents

1.2.2 The evaluation of bids will take into account, in addition to the bid price, the commitment to service, level of service, performance in previous projects, etc.

1.3 Confidentiality

1.3.1 The examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of the bidding documents, as well as the intention of awarding the contract, shall not be disclosed to either bidder or to persons unrelated to the evaluation of bids

1.3.2 The bidder shall not be required to disclose to the bidder or to persons who are not involved in the evaluation of bids as described above. p>1.3.2 Bidders shall not interfere with the bidder's evaluation of bids, or their bids will be annulled

2. Award of Contract

2.1 Standard Rules

2.1.1 The contract will be awarded to the first-ranked bidder whose bid conforms to the requirements of the bidding documents and satisfactorily performs the contract in a manner most advantageous to the bidder

2.1.2 The lowest bid is not the only factor in the award of the contract. Offer is not the sole factor in the award of the Contract

2.2 Final Review of Qualifications

2.2.1 The Bidder will review the design, quality, and reputation of the first-ranked Bidder to determine whether or not it is capable of satisfactorily performing the Contract

2.2.2 If it is determined that such Bidder is not qualified to satisfactorily perform the Contract, the Bidder will make a similar review of the qualifications of the next-ranked Bidder

2.2.3 The Bidder retains the right to select or reject any or all Bids prior to the award of the Contract, without any explanation for the action taken

2.2.4 Notice of Successful Bid Prior to the expiration of the period of validity of the Bid, the Bidder will issue a written Notice of Successful Bid. The notice of award will become legally effective once it is issued The notice of award will be used as the basis for signing the contract agreement

2.2.5 Signing of contract agreement The successful bidder will sign the contract agreement with the form of agreement specified by the bidder at the time and place specified in the notice of award

2.2. 5.2 The bidding documents, the bidding documents of the successful bidder and its clarifications shall be the basis for signing the contract agreement

Part IV Bidding Format

Bidding Format I

Flower Rental Bid

To: 。。。。。。。。 Limited Liability Company

In response to your issuance of 。。。。。。。 Invitation to Bid for Flower Rental and Arrangement, the undersigned representative (full name and title) is duly authorized and representing the Bidder (name and address of the Bidder) to submit one original and one copy of the Bidding Documents.

According to this letter, the undersigned representative declares that he agrees to the following:

1. After inspecting the project site and studying the bidding instructions, technical specifications and the project plan of the said project, we agree to undertake the design, supply, fabrication and maintenance of the said project in accordance with the requirements of the bidding documents.

2. If you accept our tender, we undertake to be ready by the month of and to complete all the work specified in the tender documents within the period specified in the tender documents.

3. We agree to abide by this tender for a period of days from the stipulated closing date for submission of tender. This tender shall remain binding on us till the expiry of such period and we may be entrusted with the work at any time.

4. Until the formal contractual agreement is signed, this tender along with your notification of award shall be a binding document for both you and us.

5. We understand that you may not necessarily accept the lowest bid and any other bid that may be received.

BIDDER: (Corporate Seal)


AUTHORIZED AGENT: (Signature or Seal)




In accordance with the declarations made herein, the undersigned, (Name), (Title), (Name of Company) , (place of incorporation) is legally authorized to act on behalf of the said company and hereby appoints the undersigned (name), (position), (company name) as the duly and legally authorized agent and authorizes such agent to bid on matters of work for the rental of flowers and greenery at the China Nonferrous Building including (but not limited to) the following:

Full interpretation of the bidding documents;

Contractual terms and price of the Negotiation;

Signing the contract and contract supplement and other related documents;

Authorized to delegate the validity of the period of time:

Contact telephone number of the delegate:

Fax telephone number:

Authorized signature:

Hereby delegate

Corporation (seal):

Legal representative (signature).

Date: Month, Year

Bid Format III

Table 1: List of Bid Quotes for Flower and Greenery Rental

Project Name: 。。。。。。。

No. Name Specification Unit Monthly Rent Annual Rent









Flower pots to be supplied by the bidder

Table 2 Quotation for Holiday Flower Beds/Opening Flower Beds

Item name: 。。。。。。。


Time of use: Flower details: Price of flower bed:

Bid Format IV

Documents to prove qualification of the bidder

Overview of the Bidder

1. Identity Proof of the Bidder

Legal Name:

Legal Registered address:

Telephone machine fax no:

Name and position of contact person of the bidder:

Telephone No.

Name and position of technical contact person:

Telephone No.

2. Business information

Chairman / General Manager:

Number of business managers:

Number of other personnel:

3. Date of establishment or Date of registration

4. Address, fax, telephone number and contact person of the branch or representative office

5. Total assets of the company

6. Detailed list of major performance of the bidding unit

Serial No. Name of project Location of the project Type of property Remarks

If you can't fill in the form, you can add it by yourself

Bidding Format V

Requirements of technical specifications

1. Basic requirements

The rented plants should be ensured to have good growth, strong plants, no dead branches and dry leaves, no pests and diseases, glossy plant surface, no dusty leaves, and the fixed plants should be replenished with nutrients on time according to their growth. The green plant sleeves should be uniformly customized according to the project requirements and ensure that the trays are uniform, clean and tidy.

Plants for rent have diversity, including types of evergreen trees, evergreen shrubs and so on.

The plants in the office area should be simple, simple, and accentuate the "ecological office environment".

2. Requirements for the frequency of plant replacement in the building

2.1 All rented plants within the public **** area of the building are required to be replaced at least once in each contract period if there is no temporary change in demand.

2.2 The quality standard of the plants must meet the requirements of the building and the varieties of the plants must be changed at the right time according to the requirements of the building.

2.3 The specification standards for plant sets for the Building.

All plant sets must match the grade of the building and coordinate with the characteristics of the host plants.

Personnel Requirements and Management

The green plant rental company should be equipped with professional plant maintenance personnel, in good health, responsible for the daily maintenance of all plants in the project area. Specific requirements:

1. Green plant rental and maintenance personnel must be professionally trained.

2. Good features and neat appearance.

3. Uniformed uniforms on duty.

4. Operator management rules and regulations.

Operation requirements and management

1. On-site operation management regulations.

2. Rental replacement program.

3. On-site safety management regulations for pesticides.

Note: Detailed programs shall be provided for each of the requirements covered above.

Bid Format VI

Project Preferential Commitment Letter

In order to express our company's contracting 。。。。。。。 In order to express the sincerity of our company to contract flower and green plant rental project, we would like to make the following commitments and concessions to your company:

1. Our company promises that if we win the bid, we will sign the service contract within 5 days (counting from the date of the tenderer's notification of winning), and we will give up the service contract after that date automatically.

2. Our commitment: the person in charge of the project can not be changed at will (unless approved by the Party or the Party proposed to replace). If Party A is not satisfied with any personnel of the project, our company will be adjusted according to Party A's written instructions.

3. Our company promises that we will not subcontract the project, and if similar events occur, Party A has the right to terminate the contract with Party B, and all the costs incurred will be borne by our company.

4. Our company promises: If our company wins the bid, our company will implement the following preferential terms for your company:

4.1 Concession: The bid amount of this project is a reasonable offer, such as our company won the bid, can be based on this concessions % (unit price) (if any)

4.2 Other aspects of the preferential: (if any)

Bidder (seal):

Legal Representative (Signature):

Date: Month, Year

Bid Format VII

Front Format of Sealed Envelope for Bidding Documents

Front (Side) Copy

Project Name: 。。。。。。。。。。 Green Plant Rental Project

Bidder: (stamped official seal)

Signature of legal representative (or proxy):




Format for Sealing Sealed Envelope of Bidding Documents

...... ............... on December 16, 2008 before not allowed to open the seal (stamped)

Legal representative (or proxy) signature:


Bing Bing 201