What factors play a role in determining a good business plan?
The number of pages of the BP: it seems a simple manuscript processing work, in fact, plays a role in knocking on the door, for the vast majority of early-stage projects, the BP should not be more than 20 pages of PPT information. Many investors for more than 20 pages of BP, the inner is resistant, more some founders in order to pursue the beautiful, with too many design pictures, resulting in a BP more than 20M, investors in the receipt of this type of BP, if the surrounding signal is not good, it is likely that will not choose to download to see, so that in vain to miss a lot of opportunities.
BP logic: this point is the core value of a BP, each investor a day to see the BP will not be less than 20, can stand out from the dozens of BP, so that investors remember your project, relying on clear logic. In addition, investors usually read BP is a quick scan, or even a minute to read. So be sure to get to the point, get to the point, and tell the business logic of your project in the shortest possible space.
BP's aesthetics: as I said before some founders in pursuit of aesthetics, over-packaging caused by the BP is too large, which is not desirable, but the appropriate color matching options, or investors in a large number of garbage BP refreshing. "Entrepreneurs do not be too superstitious templates, believe that you do something unique, do not recommend writing BP on behalf of the BP, personally write and modify the BP is also the logic of their own entrepreneurship once and for all, and ultimately the face of the investor is also the entrepreneurs themselves, the ghostwriter can not be replaced.
Investors read the business plan (BP) need to come up with three core 1, what you want to do (what)? Your product or service in the end what value 2, how to do (how)? You are not the ability to execute and success of the grasp of 3, how to make money (business model), how to share the money and how much money is needed (how much money to finance)
The main framework of the business plan
The main framework of the business plan is mainly engaged in the (internal and external affairs), people and money three parts. The framework model of the business plan is mainly divided into four major parts and twelve subsections as shown below.
Second, the following 12 subsections of the business plan from the details of writing and attention to detail
1, project positioning project positioning: through a brief introduction to what your project is, project positioning written in the business plan home page, so that people know at a glance what you are doing.
2, raise the issue (where the market pain points) to raise the issue: the existing customer needs which have not been met, where the market pain points, market demand is the basis of entrepreneurship, many entrepreneurs put forward the demand for pseudo-demand or non-rigid demand, in the process of confirming the market demand is also the entrepreneurs in the process of looking for differentiation, if the entrepreneurial direction have not been grasped, naturally, it is difficult to get the favor of the investor! The entrepreneur needs to be responsible for himself and for others, and the understanding and depth of market demand is crucial.
3, solutions (products and services) solutions: through which methods and ways to solve market pain points.
4, market analysis (market capacity) market analysis: the need to prove the existence of market demand and the market capacity of this demand
5, entry strategy (how to start) entry strategy: the project from scratch, how to start?
6, competitive advantage (competitors) competitive advantage: what are the competitors in the industry, where the core competitiveness of the project?
7, the core team (team background) core team: the background of the core team's resume, as well as to show why your team can do this thing
8, the implementation of the status quo (what has been done) the implementation of the status quo: the current project has been progressed to what extent, what has been done to make a statement
9, the plan goal (future prospects) plan goal: the next A period of time need to do what are the things
10, business model (how to make money) business model: how to make money, at what point in time to be able to achieve break-even
11, equity structure (how to share the money) equity structure: the founder and the core team of the equity structure, determining the basis for long-term development in the future
12, financing plan (how much money is needed) Financing plan: how much money is needed to do this thing