What is the role of the various colors?

1, red: the most striking colors, with a strong infectious force, it is the color of fire, the color of blood. Symbol of enthusiasm, celebration, happiness. On the other hand, it symbolizes vigilance, danger. Red color stimulation is strong, often in the color with the main color and the important role of reconciliation and contrast, is the most used color.

2, yellow: is the color of sunshine, symbolizing light, hope, noble, happy. Light yellow indicates softness, grayish yellow indicates sickness. Yellow in the pure color of the highest brightness, and red color with the color with the brilliant and magnificent, warm and festive effect, and the color with the blue color with the color with the light and quiet, soft and refreshing effect.

3, blue: the color of the sky, a symbol of peace, quiet, purity, sanity. On the other hand, there are negative, cold, conservative and so on. Blue and red, yellow and other colors used properly, can constitute a harmonious contrast and harmony.

4, green: is the color of plants, symbolizing peace and security, with gray-brown green color symbolizes aging and termination. Green and blue with the appearance of soft and quiet, and yellow with the appearance of bright and fresh. Because of the green vision recognition is not high, most of the medium-sized color to accompany the use of color.

5, orange: the color of the autumn harvest, bright orange than red is more warm, gorgeous, is the warmest of all colors, symbolizing happiness, health, courage.

6, purple: a symbol of grace, nobility, dignity, on the other hand, there are lonely, mysterious and other meanings. Mauve has a feeling of elegance and magic, dark purple has a heavy, solemn feeling. With the red with the gorgeous and harmonious, with the blue with the noble and low, with the green with the passionate and mature. Properly used can constitute a novel and chic effect.

7, black: is the dark, is the lowest brightness of the non-color, symbolizing the power, and sometimes means inauspicious and sin. Can form a good contrast and harmony with many colors, the use of a wide range.

8, white: pure and white color, symbolizing purity, simplicity, elegance and so on. As a non-colorful polar colors, white and black, with all the colors constitute a bright contrast and reconciliation of the relationship with the black match, constituting a simple and clear, simple and powerful effect, giving a sense of weight and stability, has a very good visual communication ability.

British color expert Dr. Ogle pointed out that in all the colors of nature, blue is the most favorite color, can give a person a sense of serenity, depth, with obvious calming effect; Orange is a very easy to infect people with warm colors, give a person a kind of thick, warm and melting feeling, can eliminate the people's depression and dreariness; Green is the most suitable for the visual nerve of the people, it is the color of the grass and trees of life, can make the person It is the most suitable for human visual nerve, it is the life color of grass and trees, which can make people cool and fresh, give people the vitality of life, and have the strange effect of uplifting people's spirits. People in the green atmosphere, skin temperature can be reduced by 1 ℃ a 2.2 ℃, the pulse reduces the average number of times per minute 4 to 8, the blood flow rate slows down, the heart to reduce the burden of breathing calmly and evenly. Therefore, green is the most ideal color for visual regulation and rest.

Dr. Ogle believes that white is a symbol of purity and innocence, and can promote high blood patients with a drop in blood pressure; purple can be comforting to pregnant women; yellow can promote blood circulation, increase the secretion of the salivary glands, stimulate the appetite, and stimulate the desire and will activity of patients with melancholic disease; ochre color helps to raise the blood pressure of patients with low blood pressure; pink affects the brain and reduces the secretion of adrenaline. It relaxes the muscles and has the wonderful effect of calming the thunder; bluff color is the ideal medical environment for psychiatric patients and has the power of comfort and serenity; brown color promotes the growth of cells and enables patients to recover more quickly after surgery.