Primary discharge standard of sewage

According to the environmental function and protection objectives of urban sewage treatment plants discharged into surface water bodies, and the treatment technology of sewage treatment plants, the standard values of conventional pollutants in basic control projects are divided into primary standards, secondary standards and tertiary standards. The first-level standards are divided into a-level standards and b-level standards. Some Class I pollutants and selective control items are not graded.

The first-class standard A standard is the basic requirement for the effluent from urban sewage treatment plants to be used as reuse water. When the effluent from the sewage treatment plant is introduced into rivers and lakes with little dilution ability for urban landscape water and general reuse water, the A standard of the first-class standard shall be implemented.

According to the "Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Urban Sewage Treatment Plants", the sewage treatment plant has reached the first-class A standard.

Legal basis:

The first-class standard * * * of Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Urban Sewage Treatment Plants requires 12 index, in which chemical oxygen demand (COD), suspended solids (ss), ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus are the pollutant indexes for routine control.