Dongbi Longzhu's preparation materials:
Main ingredients: Dongbi longan ......750 grams of shiitake mushrooms ......15 grams of fresh shrimp meat ... ...100g minced cookies ............100g pork...100g refined salt ......1.5g Egg yolks...6 g Flour ......100 g Kale leaves ......250 g Balsamic vinegar .........10 g Ketchup ......50g Sugar...5g MSG ......1.5g Peanut Oil ......750g
Teach you how to make dongbilongzhu How to make Dongbi Longzhu is tasty 1.? Pork, shrimp don't chop into mushrooms, mushrooms pinch dry water, cut into fine dice, together with 1 gram of salt, monosodium glutamate, egg yolks 2 stirred into the stuffing, and then pinched into a similar size to the core of the dragon's eye stuffing pill, rows of the same steamer into the plate to steam and take out. 2.? Longan shell, flesh one by one to cut a small mouth, pick the core, and then the steamed stuffed balls were embedded in the flesh, close the opening, into the stuffed longan. 3.? Egg yolks 4 beaten, mustard leaves washed and cut into sections, flour under the pan with a slight fire fried crisp, also out of the cold, cookies end of the mix. ?4.? Pan set on high heat, under the peanut oil burned to seventy percent heat, stuffed longan first sticky egg yolk liquid, and then rolled evenly flour, cookies, and then fried to shell crisp, was golden yellow fish out, into the dish, at the same time, frying pan on high heat, under the peanut oil 20 grams of heat, into the kale leaves stir fry, add sugar, salt 0.5 grams of mixing stir fry, take out the ornaments with the side of the plate. When serving, tomato sauce, balsamic vinegar is attached to another small plate.