The minimally invasive hemorrhoid surgery cookie gun is disposable, why a cookie gun to charge hold 2000 yuan, said it is a disposable surgical tool!

Hemorrhoid surgery is not disposable, it is best not to do, will recur.

Hemorrhoids are usually found in hot weather. The best thing to do is to cool it down.

In fact, basically everyone has hemorrhoids, either severe or mild.

Every time you take a shower you can turn the water up to a temperature you can handle and spray it against your anus.

After washing, wipe Zi Chuan Tang on the inside and outside of the anus, which is specialized in removing hemorrhoids, usually about 25 days hemorrhoids will be good

Change some bad habits, such as sitting on the toilet for ten minutes or even half an hour.

Whenever there is a clear intention to go to the toilet, you should go to the toilet immediately, and concentrate on the bowel movement.

Press with your hand on the left lower abdomen to make the feces run downward, or press upward in front of the tailbone, i.e., behind the anus, to help the feces pass smoothly.