Hestia: God of the Kitchen and Health, in charge of family affairs.
Thanatos: God of Death
Eris: Goddess of discord. She loves to stir up discord. Her most famous achievement is to provoke "Troy" war".
Nemesis: goddess of revenge or justice; specializing in punishing lawless people.
Helios: God of the Sun, son of the Titan Hyperion; predecessor of Apollo.
Eos: Goddess of the Dawn.
Persephone: The daughter of Demeter; abducted by Hades and became the queen of the underworld.
Dionysus: God of wine; invented wine and promoted the cultivation of grapes.
Eros: the little goddess of love
Hebe: the goddess of youth, the sommelier of Mount Olympus. Later married Heracles.
Pan: the god of mountains and forests;
theFates: in charge of the fate of everyone on the earth. There are three gods: Clotho spins the thread of life, Lachesis determines the length of the thread of life, and Atropos cuts the thread of life.
The Graces: the daughters of Zeus and Eurynome; singers and dancers of the gods, bringing beauty to the world; they are Aglaia (goddess of radiance), Europe Euphrosyne (goddess of joy), Thalia (goddess of inspiration).
The Muses: There are nine daughters of Zeus and the Titan Mnemosyne; they are also called the Muses or the Pierides, because they were born in Pieria. Elijah place. They are Calliope (eloquence and narrative poetry), Clio (history), Urania (astronomy), Melpomene (tragedy), Thalia (comedy), Tetra Terpsichore (dance), Erato (love poetry), Polyhymnia (poem), Euterpe (lyric poetry).
TheErinnyes: the goddess of vengeance, also known as Eumenides. ***There are three people, Tisiphone, Megaera, and Alecto. They were born from the blood of Uranus.
The Pleiades (Seven Fairies): The seven flowery daughters of Atlas. They are Electra, Maia, Taygete, Alcyone, Merope, Celaeno and Sterope. ). Maia is the mother of Hermes.
Hours: in charge of the natural order; three people - Eunomia (order), Dicke (justice), Erinye (peace).
Pentus (Pontus): means "unfathomable sea". Son and lover of Gaia.
Nereus: The son of Pentheus and Gaia, nicknamed the "Old Man of the Sea". He is a knowledgeable, sincere and kind-hearted old immortal.
Doris: The daughter of the Titan Oceanus, one of the three thousand sea nymphs. Wife of Nereus.
Thetis: The wisest of the daughters of Nereus.
The Nereids: the fifty lovely daughters of Nereus and Doris. One of them, Amphitrite, is the wife of Poseidon, the king of the sea.
Triton: The son of Poseidon and his wife; the trumpeter of the sea, whose instrument is a large conch.
Minos: King of Crete; famous for his strict rule of law, so he became one of the judges of Hades after his death; son of Zeus and Europa.
Rhadamanthys: The brother of Minos and one of the judges of Hades. (I remember that there seemed to be three giants of Hades fighters in "Saints of the Goddess", but there seemed to be very little information about the third guy. I don't know where Masami Kurumada found it)
Calypso: Sea goddess, daughter of Atlas; fell in love with the mortal hero Odysseus, but was unable to marry him due to Zeus's obstruction.
Achelous: River god, the eldest of the three thousand sons of Oceanus and Thetis. The father of all sirens.
Alcyoneus: Son of heaven and earth, the most powerful giant who cannot be killed while on earth.
Amalthea: A sea nymph with a horn from which food can be obtained. After the horn of the river god Achelous was broken by Hercules, she gave one of hers to him.
Iris: Messenger of Zeus; goddess of the rainbow; sister of the human-headed bird Harpie.
Leucothea: The sea goddess; she rescued Odysseus after Poseidon smashed his ship to pieces.
Perse: The daughter of Oceanus and the wife of Helios.
Clymene: The daughter of Oceanus and Thetis. It seems that he had close relationships with several gods, including Prometheus and Apollo, and gave birth to many children.
Circe: Helios and Perse His daughter is a female magician who can turn people into animals.
Proteus: The old man of the sea, endless changes.
Scamander: the name of the river, also the name of the river god; also called Xanthus
Hesperides : Daughters of the Night; guarding the golden apple tree Gaia gave to Hera as a wedding gift.
Syrinx: The forest goddess, pursued by Pan, turned into a reed.
Pallas: The daughter of Triton; Athena accidentally killed her, so in memory of her, she named herself Pallas and called herself Pallas Athena.
Eurynome: The daughter of Oceanus, the three goddesses of beauty and Zeus.
Glaucus: God of the sea, good at making prophecies.
Talos: Giant, last man of the Bronze Age; guarding the island of Crete.
Selene: Moon goddess, daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Thea.
Menoetius: Shepherd of Hades.
Bio: The embodiment of ferocity, the son of Pallas and the River Styx.
Cratos: The embodiment of strength, the son of Pallas and the River Styx, the "fierce" brother.
Non-human Creatures
Echidna: A half-human, half-snake monster. Many famous monsters were born - such as the Lerna water snake, the Nemean lion, the Romela, the Sphinx, etc.
Gorgons: The three daughters of Phorcus and Ceto, one of whom is Medusa.
Chrysaor: The monster born to Poseidon and Medusa, the brother of Pegasus.
Cerberus: A three-headed dog, born of Typhon and Ekedena, guarding the gates of hell.
Ceto: The daughter of Pentheus and Gaia; the father of Gorgon, Glaeae, and the great serpent Ladon.
Ladon: The hundred-headed dragon guarding the golden apples, born of Ceto and Phorcus.
Minotaur: A bull-headed monster on the island of Crete who likes to eat human flesh, especially boys and girls; the famous Cretan labyrinth was built to imprison it.
Pegasus: Pegasus; the son of Poseidon and Medusa. When Perseus cut off Medusa’s head, he and Chrysaor came from the Medusa's head jumped out.
Chrysaor: The monster born to Poseidon and Medusa, the brother of the flying horse Pegasus.
Graeae: The three daughters of Phorcus and Cetus, sisters with Gorgon; they have one eye and one tooth.
Hydra: The water snake born to Typhon and Erodera has nine heads. Because it lives in the great swamp of Lerna, it is also called the Lerna serpent.
Chimaera: A fire-breathing monster, born of Typhon and Echidna, with a lion's head, a sheep's body, and a snake's tail.
Scylla: the siren between the Italian and Sicilian straits.
Sphinx: A winged monster born of Typhon and Echidna, with the head of a beauty and the body of a lion; because Oedipus killed his father, he went to Thebes did harm.
Typhon: The youngest son of Gaia and Tartarus, an extremely terrifying monster; also known as Typhoeus.
Phorcys: Known as the "Father of Monsters", he gave birth to many monsters.
Siren: The daughter of Phorcys and a Muse. They lived on an island, seducing and killing passing sailors with their songs.
Medusa: One of the Gorgons; anyone who sees her head will be turned to stone.
Humans and demigods
Pandora: A woman made of clay by Hephaestus, bestowed upon her by the gods with all good deeds.
Epeius: A famous craftsman in the Greek army who built the wooden horse.
Erechtheus: King of Athens; son of Gaia and Hephaestus, raised by Athena.
Eteocles: The son of Oedipus, he resisted the seven generals who attacked Thebes and died at the hands of his brothers.
Orion: A handsome and strong hunter who was loved by the seven daughters of Atlas and became Orion after his death.
Orpheus (Orpheus): The son of Calliope, one of the Muses; he can make mountains, forests and rocks move with the sound of his harp, and tame wild beasts. After death he became Lyra.
Io: A princess from a country in the Mediterranean. She was loved by Zeus and turned into a heifer. She was chased by bull gangsters sent by Hera, and later escaped under the guidance of Prometheus. . Eventually she became the Egyptian goddess Isis.
Asclepius: Heavenly physician, son of Apollo and Clymene; killed by Zeus.
Briseis: a famous Trojan beauty; captured by Achilles, her beauty caused discord among the Greek generals.
Europe: A beautiful human woman who was seduced by Zeus and is one of Zeus's most famous lovers.
Cadmus: Europa’s brother; founder of Thebes.
Capaneus: One of the seven heroes who attacked Thebes.
Cassandra: the daughter of Priam and Hecuba; a prophetess who predicted the destruction of Troy.
Daedalus: The most famous master builder in Greece, good at various craftsmanship.
Nireus: The son of the goddess of springs, the most handsome of the Greek generals.
Pyrrla: Daughter of Epimetheus and Pandora, wife of Deucalion; the only two people to escape Zeus's flood.
Amphiaraus: The famous prophet, one of the seven heroes who attacked Thebes.
Amphion: Son of Zeus; built the palace of Thebes with the magic of the harp.
Andromache: Hector's wife, known for her love for her husband.
Antilochus (Antilochus): One of the Greek generals who attacked Troas, known for his handsomeness and bravery, and one of Achilles' close friends.
Deucalion: Son of Prometheus and Clymene, husband of Pyrrha; only the two of them were left when Zeus sent a flood to destroy mankind.
Icarus: Son of Daedalus; when escaping Crete with his father, he flew close to the sun and fell into the water.
Ixion: King of Lapith; because of his unreasonable intentions towards Hera, Zeus tied him to a spinning wheel and was punished in the underworld forever.
Jasion: The son of Zeus and a goddess in the sea. He pursued the agricultural goddess Demeter and was killed by Zeus.
Jason: The leader of the Argonauts who captured the Golden Fleece; the husband of Medea.
Sisyphus: The most cunning man among mankind; after his death, he was punished in the underworld by pushing a boulder up a mountain forever, but when he reached the top of the mountain, the boulder fell again.
Chryseis (Chryseis): The daughter of the priest Apollo on the Trojan side, she was captured by Agamemnon. The latter refused to return her to her father, which resulted in the revenge of the sun god.
Clytaemnestra: Agamemnon’s wife, killed her husband and was killed by her son.
Diomedes: The famous Greek hero in the Trojan War.
Hippomedon: One of the seven heroes who attacked Thebes.
Theseus: King of Athens; one of the famous heroes in Greek mythology.
Telemachus: Son of Odysseus; after his father returned from the Trojan War, he helped his father kill all the suitors.
Telamon: One of the Argonauts who captured the Golden Fleece.
Tiresias (Tiresias): Theban prophet, blind, said to be sentenced to blindness because he accidentally saw Athena emerging from the bath.
Achilles (Achilles): The son of Peleus and the sea goddess Thetis, he is invulnerable, the only weakness is his ankle; the greatest Greek hero in the Trojan War.
Adrastus: King of Argos; one of the seven generals who attacked Thebes.
Agamemnon: Son of Atreus; the Greek commander in the Trojan War.
Alcestis: The daughter of Pelias; famous for her love for her husband, she volunteered to die on her husband's behalf.
Atalanta: The daughter of Iasos and Clymene, a beautiful and wild huntress.
Atreus: Son of Pelops and Hippodamia, grandson of Tantalus.
Eurystheus: Grandson of Perseus; Hercules was punished to do twelve great deeds for him.
Laocoon: Priest of Apollo in the Trojan city. Because he advised the Trojans to be wary of wooden horses, Athena was furious and sent two snakes to bite him to death.
Paris: Prince of Troy; he caused the Trojan War by abducting Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world.
Parthenopaeus: Brother of Adrastos, one of the seven heroes who attacked Thebes.
Patroclus: Son of Menoetius; close friend of Achilles; died at the hands of Hector. His death prompted Achilles to rejoin the war against Tetra. loya.
Phaethon: The son of Apollo and Clymene; he fell from the sky and died because he drove Apollo's chariot by force.
Polynices: The son of Oedipus and Jocasta; one of the seven heroes who attacked Thebes.
Tantalus: Son of Zeus, friend of the gods; for killing his son to entertain the gods, he was punished to the underworld to suffer from hunger and thirst forever.
Medea: A beautiful female magician who helped Jason obtain the Golden Fleece and married him. Later, because Jason fell in love with her, she killed her two children with her own hands. He had a son and designed to kill Jason's new love.
Pelias: Jason's uncle, he usurped the throne that should have belonged to Jason.
Peleus: One of the Argonauts; husband of Thetis and father of Achilles.
Pelops: Son of Tantalus; made into dishes by his father for the gods to eat, he was later resurrected by the goddess of fate.
Penelope: Odysseus’ loyal wife; after her husband disappeared during the Trojan expedition, she rejected all suitors and waited for her husband to return.
Perseus: The son of Zeus and Danae; one of the great heroes in Greek mythology.
Sinnis: a famous bandit, nicknamed "The Pine Breaker", who tore travelers apart with two pine trees; son of Poseidon; killed by Theseus.
Damastes (Damastes): a famous bandit, nicknamed the "Iron Bed Thief"; maybe he was also the son of Poseidon; he was killed by Theseus.
Sciron: a famous bandit who forced travelers to wash his feet; almost the son of Poseidon; killed by Theseus.
Aeetes: Son of Helios and Perse, brother of Circe, father of Medea.
Aeneas: Son of Aphrodite, one of the Trojan heroes.
Aeolus: Son of Hippotes, father of Xuthus; friend of the gods, in charge of the winds.
Ajax: The son of Telamon and Erisper, commonly known as Ajax the Great; a Greek hero in the Trojan War.
Ajax: Son of Oleus, commonly known as Ajax the Younger; a Greek hero in the Trojan War.
Oileus: One of the Argonauts.
Endymion: The handsome son of Etrios, beloved by the moon goddess Selene.
Helen (Helen): The daughter of Zeus and Leda, extremely beautiful in the world; the wife of Menelaus; abducted by Paris and caused the Trojan War.
Manto: Teiresias’ daughter, also good at prophecy.
Hylas: Hercules’ close friend; a beautiful man who was snatched away by the water monster.
Phaedra: Daughter of the daughter of Minos, wife of Theseus.
Teucer: Son of the river god Scamanderus; the first Trojan king.
Nessus (Nessus): a centaur who ferried passengers across the river; he was killed for molesting Hercules' wife, but he planned to kill Hercules before he died.
Neleus: One of the Argonauts.
Nestor: The son of Neleus, the king of a certain tribe in Greece. He is known for his wisdom, justice, and good words.
Chiron: A centaur who was both civil and military; teacher of many Greek heroes.
Circe: The daughter of Helios and Perse; a powerful magician.
Admetus (Admetus): participated in the Calydon boar hunt, one of the Argonauts; famous for his loyal wife.
Philoctetes: Friend of Hercules; Heracles gave him his bow and arrows before he died.
Priams: King of Troy during the Trojan War and father of Paris.
Stentor: Greek, famous for his loud voice, which can be heard as loud as fifty people.
Tydeus: One of the seven generals who attacked Thebes.
Tityus: The son of Zeus and Elari, he was punished in the underworld for being unreasonable to Latona, and his liver was eaten by eagles.
Augeas: son of Poseidon or Helios; one of the heroes of the Golden Fleece; sweeping away the dung in his stable was one of the twelve tasks of Heracles one.
Autolycus: Famous thief and liar; grandfather of Odysseus.
Semele: Daughter of Cadmus; father of Dionysus with Zeus.
Talus: Daedalus's nephew, killed because of Daedalus' jealousy.
Hector: The son of Priam and Hecuba, the brother of Paris, the bravest hero of Troy, killed by Achilles.
Hellen: The son of Pica and Deucalion. The name Greece comes from him.
Heracles: The greatest hero in Greek mythology, the son of Alcmene and Zeus, famous for his strength.
Hesione: Priam’s sister, was rescued from the sea monster by Hercules and married to Telamon.
Meleager: The famous hero who hunted the Calydonian boar.
Menelaus: Son of Atreus, brother of Agamemnon, husband of Helen; senior Greek general in the Trojan War.
[Scholar] Greek mythology includes two parts: stories of gods and legends of heroes. The story of God involves the origin of the universe and mankind, the emergence of God and its genealogy, etc. According to legend, there were twelve Olympian gods in ancient Greece: Zeus - the Lord of the Gods, Hera - the Queen of Heaven, Poseidon - the God of the Sea, Hades - Hades, Athena - the Goddess of Wisdom, and Apollo - - Archery and art are the gods of light, Artemis - the goddess of midwifery, hunting and the moon, Aphrodite - the goddess of beauty and love, Ares - the god of war, Hephaestus - the fire With the god of craftsmen, Hermes - the herald of the gods, Demeter - the goddess of agriculture and fertility, and Dionysus - the god of wine (abdicated by Hestia, the goddess of the hearth). They are in charge of various phenomena and things in nature and life, forming the Olympian theocracy with Zeus as the center.
(1) Zeus:
★Zeus is the son of Cronus, the king of gods, in charge of the sky. The supreme god in Greek mythology, controls thunder and lightning, so Also known as the God of Thunder. With the support of his mother Rhea, he killed his father Cronus and became the third generation god-king. He had an extremely lustful personality. He often had affairs with other goddesses and mortals behind his wife Hera's back, and had countless illegitimate children.
(2) Hera:
★Hera is the daughter of Cronus, the sister and wife of Zeus; she is in charge of marriage and childbirth, and is the protector of women. God; Hera has an elegant temperament, beautiful appearance, and is loyal to her partner. She is worthy of her status as queen. However, she is also famous for her jealousy. Therefore, Hera and Zeus often have fierce quarrels. However, usually Zeus's rhetoric And always make them reconcile as before.
★The symbol of Hera is the peacock, because this bird with colorful feathers and a heart full of stars is a symbol of the beautiful and spectacular night sky, and the sky is the radiant face of Hera.
(3) Poseidon:
★ The king of the sea, the second brother of Zeus, the husband of Amphitrite, holding a huge trident, commanding all in the sea biology. Some are described as half-human and half-fish, capable of controlling wind and rain. He has a violent and cruel personality.
In Greek mythology, the couple Poseidon and Amphitrite correspond to the couple Zeus and Hera. The brothers Zeus and Poseidon were both known for their love of having children, and their numerous offspring were both gods and mortals.
★ Horses and cows are his sacred objects. He loved horses so much that when he ruled the oceans, he transformed several of them into fish-horse hybrids with tail fins. In this way, they
pulled the cart for him even in the water.
★Zeus, Poseidon, Demeter’s brother, is in charge of the underworld, has strong power, but peaceful personality, and is popular among all people. The most mysterious of gods. He evokes death and is rarely called by his real name because he always wears a coat that covers his face and body. Except for taking Persephone, the goddess of spring, the daughter of the harvest goddess Demeter, as his wife, he had no other evil deeds.
★The color black is their favorite color, and their favorite sacrifice is a black ewe or a black bull wrapped in black gauze. The poplar tree is his sacred tree.
(5) Hestia:
★The goddess of home and fire, she is the eldest sister of Zeus, the eldest child of Cronus and Gaia, and controls all people. housework. One of the three virgin goddesses. In Greek mythology, there is no detailed record. She is a chaste virgin goddess.
(6) Demeter:
★The goddess of fertility, agriculture and forestry, the daughter of Cronus and Gaia, the second and fourth sister of Zeus wife. She is the goddess in charge of agriculture and fertility, giving life to the earth and teaching humans how to farm. She and Zeus gave birth to Persephone.
(7) Ares:
★ God of War, born of Zeus and Hera. He is a cruel, cunning, impulsive, irrational, and war-for-war god. He once had an affair with Aphrodite, the god of love and beauty, the wife of the god of craftsmen, and was trapped in a large net specially made by the god of craftsmen from which he could not escape.
★ The vulture is his sacred bird, and his pet animal is the dog.
(8) Athena:
★The goddess of wisdom and war , the daughter of Zeus and Metis. Ares symbolizes the cruel and impulsive side of war. As her opposite, Athena represents military strategy, symbolizing superiority in strategy and wisdom. She is brave, strong, kind and benevolent, but sometimes she is a little petty and does not want others to be better than her. When she was born, Zeus suffered severe pain in the head. After splitting it with a big ax, Athena was holding a spear and wearing armor. He jumped out and inherited a high degree of wisdom and practical skills from his mother Metis, and thus became the patron saint of arts and handicrafts. She was renamed Pallas Athena after accidentally killing her friend Pallas. (Pallas·Athena)
★Owls with bright-eyed eyes, as well as roosters and poisonous snakes, are all symbols of the bright-eyed goddess Athena.
(9) Hermes:
★ The angel, the son of Zeus and the storm goddess Maia, the daughter of the forest demon Atlas, is The cleverest god on Mount Olympus. With wings on his feet, he was as fast as flying. He became the messenger of the gods in heaven, and later became the protector of travelers, merchants, and thieves. He often transformed into a mortal in the lower world to help protect the protectors. He was the smartest and cunning god. Legend has it that he was a genius. orator, so he is also the god of eloquence.
★ He moves quickly and elegantly, wears winged sandals, wears a low-crowned hat with wings, and holds a golden wand entwined with two snakes (his special symbol).
(10) Hephaestus:
★ God of Fire, son of Zeus and Hera. Being ugly and lame is a major blemish on the beautiful world of gods! Although she is ugly, she is gentle, loves peace, and is very popular in heaven and earth.
(11) Apollo:
★ The patron god of archery, art, and science, the god of just punishment, originally the sun god, the son of Zeus and Leto, The twin brother of Artemis, the goddess of moon and hunting, one of the twelve major Greek gods, also known as Phobos, the god of light. The most remarkable thing is his prophecy ability. He represents light, eternal youth, beauty, harmony and tranquility. In charge of medicine, literature, poetry, music, etc.
★ The laurel tree is his sacred tree, and his favorite pets are dolphins and crows.
(12) Aphrodite:
★ The goddess of sex and beauty, she represents the most sensual outlook on life and symbolizes beauty, youth and sexual satisfaction. Also known as Venus. Cronus cut off the penis of his father Uranus and threw it into the sea of ??love and was born from the waves. Her sweet words can deceive all gods and men. She loves to laugh, has boundless charm, and even a wise man will lose his sense of proportion. Represents Venus.
★ Myrtle is her sacred tree, and doves are her love birds. Swans and sparrows are also favored.
(13) Artemis (Artemis):
★ The chaste goddess of hunting, originally the moon goddess, Artemis is the twin sister of Apollo. One of the goddesses. Therefore, it is also called the protector of virgins. She is the master of wild animals, an excellent archer, and the chief hunter of the gods. Another favorite of hers is dancing.
★Cypress is her sacred tree, and deer is her favorite pet.
(14) Dionysus:
★ The god of hospitality, wine and revelry, the son of Zeus and a mortal woman Semele, the only one who has A formal god of mortal origin, the closest to human beings among the gods, he symbolizes irrationality, indulgence and passion; invented wine and popularized the cultivation of grapes. He has a dual personality. He can bring joy and intoxication to people, but at the same time he is cruel and irritable - just like wine.