Artificial sources of radioactive contamination of the environment, in addition to medical ray sources, nuclear tests produced by radioactive fallout and nuclear energy industry of all kinds of radioactive waste, but also includes a variety of devices and equipment with radiation sources. Medical rays generally account for 94% of artificial sources of contamination and 30% of all rays. Therefore, the monitoring of medical ray pollution sources is the main body of radioactive pollution source monitoring. The nuclear energy industry includes the mining of nuclear fuel, the operation of reactors, and the recycling of fuel after irradiation, etc., and radioactive contamination is generated in these processes. The most serious radioactive pollution in the nuclear energy industry is the reprocessing of nuclear fuel, and the global pollution caused by nuclear testing is the most serious, especially the radioactive fallout caused by nuclear testing, which passes through the soil, plants, animals, and finally enters the human body, thus jeopardizing health.