Introduction of commonly used instruments in stomatology
The general examination instruments are probes, forceps, orofacial mirrors, oral instruments square plate intraoral instruments: ?1. Viscosupplementation powder filler, viscosupplementation powder adjusting knife, glass plate, silver mercury filler, photosensitive knife, spatula, expanding needle sterilization box. 2. Forming tablets holder. Extra-oral instruments: ?1. Extraction forceps Children (upper and lower anterior forceps) Adults (snatch forceps, upper and lower anterior forceps, upper left and right molar forceps, upper and lower apical forceps, lower molar forceps) ?2. Extraction tappers Hexagonal metal handled tappers, apical tappers, octagonal handled apical tappers ?3. Dental bone hammers, bone chisels, bone thumpers, bone thwackers, bone biting forceps ?4. Scalpel handles ?5. Ophthalmic surgical scissors (straight and curved), Mosquito hemostatic forceps (straight and curved) Needle holders ?6. Byline syringes ? Prosthetic instruments: ?1. plaster adjusting knife, plaster scissors, rubber bowl, tray (each number, with or without holes, full mouth, partial) ?2. simple frame, wax carving knife, alcohol lamp, cooking box (screws) ?3. three German pliers, three-flap pliers, curved eyebrow pliers, trapezoidal pliers ?4. crowning device ?5. porcelain adjusting and grinding: precision thickness gauge ?6. Chanten impression material syringe, impression material conveying head ?7. 3D colorimetric plates ? Orthodontic instruments: ? End cutting pliers, fine wire cutting pliers, bracket removing pliers, fine wire arch bending pliers, small trapezoidal semicircular pliers, rotary pliers, coarse wire cutting pliers, ringed pusher, square wire arch former, bracket locator, oral orthodontic traction cotter, force gauge, extra-oral retractor Others: ? Forceps cylinders, large and small toothless dressing forceps, sterilized square tray without holes (12", 7"), dressing jars, glass dropper bottles, disposable gloves, disposable masks, disposable mouth cups, disposable suction tubes, disposable syringes, protective eyewear, medicinal cotton wool, gentian violet, iodine povidone, 2% iodine, alcohol, 2% glutaraldehyde, 502 adhesive, x-rays. X-rays. Spare light-curing bulbs, sphygmomanometers, expanding needle sterilizer kits, handpiece cleaning lubricants ?