From your question, you are not very familiar with the concepts related to 9706.1, Chapter 19. Generally for class I equipment need to measure the leakage current to ground, shell leakage current, patient leakage current (some equipment may not have the application of the part, such as some non-contact ophthalmic equipment), the patient's auxiliary leakage current (to see if there are more than one non-functional current of the application for the part); for class II equipment do not need to measure the leakage current to ground. The rest is similar to Class I. Measurements should include normal and single fault states, where for Type B, BF and CF devices all have their own unique single fault states to be tested. - - This needs to be more specialized, it is recommended to go to the test more consultation with the teacher.
The so-called copper pole plate, the main role is not suitable for testing the small area part of the large area part of the copper plate is not very good to buy, you can buy rolls of aluminum foil, this is also better to buy.