How to use pulse oximeter

Summary: Pulse oximeters are used to determine arterial oxygen saturation, a medical device that measures the amount of oxygen in a patient's arterial blood. The oximeter sensor has a pair of LEDs that pass through a translucent part of the patient's body directly in front of a photodiode. One of the LEDs is red with a wavelength of 660 nm and the other is infrared with a wavelength of 940 nm. the percentage of oxygen in the blood is calculated based on the measurement of these two wavelengths of light that have different absorption rates as they pass through the body. Below with the editor to understand the principle of pulse oximetry and the use of methods and requirements it. Pulse oximeter principle

Based on the change in light absorption during arterial pulsation. Respectively located in the visible red light spectrum (660 nanometers) and infrared spectrum (940 nanometers) of the two light sources alternately irradiated by the test area (generally fingertips or earlobes). The amount of light absorbed during these pulsations is related to the oxygen content of the blood. A microprocessor calculates the ratio of the two spectra absorbed and compares the result to a table of saturation values present in memory to derive the blood oxygen saturation.

Typical oximeter sensors have a pair of LEDs that pass through a translucent part of the patient's body (usually a fingertip or earlobe) directly in front of a photodiode. One of the LEDs is red, with a wavelength of 660 nm, and the other is infrared, with a wavelength of 940 nm. the percentage of blood oxygen is calculated based on the measurement of these two wavelengths of light, which have different absorption rates, passing through the body.

How to use the pulse oximeter

1, Continuously press and hold the ON/STANDBY button on the pulse oximeter panel for more than 1 second to turn on the pulse oximeter.

2. Set up the pulse oximeter correctly.

3. Insert one end of the oxygen probe cable into the SpO2 probe connector on the top of the pulse oximeter and connect the other end to the patient's monitoring site.

4. Turn off the pulse oximeter: continuously press and hold the on/standby button on the panel for more than 3 seconds.

Note: 70% alcohol should be used to clean the surface of the oximetry probe before and after each use, and the probe should not be fully immersed in alcohol.

Pulse oximeter use safety requirements

1, not with nuclear magnetic *** vibration or CT equipment **** use.

2. Explosion hazard: Do not use pulse oximeter in the environment of flammable anesthetic gas.

3, oximeter only plays an auxiliary role in the diagnosis of the patient, please doctor combined with clinical manifestations and symptoms to make a diagnosis.

4. The pulse oximeter sensor test point should be checked from time to time to make sure that the patient's skin at the sensor test point is intact and the circulation is good.

5. Pulse oximetry sensors are not intended to come into contact with adhesive tape, which can lead to erroneous measurements or the mistaken perception of blisters on the skin being measured.

6. Please read the manual carefully before use.

7. Replace the test points for long periods of time or periodically depending on the patient's condition. The test point must be changed every 4 hours for the longest time and the integrity of the patient's skin circulation must be checked and correct adjustments must be made.

8. Autoclaving, vinyl oxide disinfectant, or immersion of the sensor in liquid disinfectant can cause false readings.

9. Dysfunction of important indicators of hemoglobin (e.g., carboxyhemoglobin or methemoglobin) can cause false readings.

10. Excessive stains in the blood vessels, such as indocyanine cyanine green or methylene blue can cause false readings.

11, the method of measuring oxygen saturation can be affected by ambient glare. If necessary, add a protective enclosure to the sensor (e.g., disinfectant wipes or direct sunlight).

12. Unexpected patient movements can cause false readings.

13, medical high-frequency signal interference can cause false readings.

14, Rhythmic beating of veins can cause false readings.

15, the sensor's measurement position is in the same artery or the same blood vessel as the blood pressure axis band can cause false readings.

16, Patient's blood pressure is too low, systolic blood pressure is severely too low, severe anemia or low body temperature can cause false readings.

17. The use of cardiac stimulants after the patient's heart has stopped beating or if the patient is shivering can cause false readings.

18. Bright nails or nails with nail polish can cause false readings.