What are the diagnostic methods of autism?

For children with suspected symptoms of autism spectrum disorder, the following examinations and assessments are recommended.

1. Physical and nervous system examination

2. Mental examination

3. Development level and intelligence evaluation

Denver developmental screening test Test Scale (DDST), gesell Developmental Diagnostic Scale (GDDS) and Psychological Education Assessment Scale (PEP) can be used to evaluate children's developmental level. Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT), Binet.Alfred, China. Alfred Intelligence Test, Wechsler Preschool Intelligence Scale (WPPSI), Wechsler Children Intelligence Scale (WISC), Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) and Raven Progressive Model Test (RPM) can be selected according to patients' age, language and cooperation. PEP can provide a basis for making education and training plans.

4. Screening, diagnosis and evaluation of autism spectrum disorders.

Commonly used screening scales include Crayton Autism Behavior Scale (CABS), Autism Behavior Scale (ABC), Modified Infant Autism Scale (M-CHAT) and Autism Spectrum Disorder Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ).

Diagnostic scales include Children Autism Rating Scale (CARS), Autism Diagnostic Interview Scale (ADI) and Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale (ADOS). The latter two scales can only be used after passing the system training.

5. Laboratory examination, genetic and metabolic disease screening, thyroid function examination, etc.

6. EEG and brain imaging examination (head MRI and CT)

7. Genetic examination includes chromosome karyotype examination and gene mutation detection.