Please ask whether the high-voltage pylons have radiation on the human body
Electromagnetic radiation, how much do you know? There is a complex causal relationship between electromagnetic waves and living organisms. In recent years, some people have put forward the theory that external electric fields interact with the internal electric fields of biological organisms and cause harm. According to this theory, very low levels of radiation have the potential to cause harm. The theory of harm due to **** vibration has also been put forward. Nevertheless, the harm caused by thermal effects in electromagnetic radiation is still the main one. Electromagnetic fields exist not only in a vacuum but also in material space, including biological tissues. In the radio spectrum, the quantum energy of electromagnetic fields is so small that it is impossible to change molecular structure or break molecular bonds. At a radio frequency of 300 x 1012 Hz, the maximum quantum energy due to electromagnetic fields is only 1.2 MeV (mega electron volts). To break the weakest hydrogen bond requires 80 MeV. Therefore, radio electromagnetic waves with a frequency of 300 × 1012 Hz and below are called non-ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation, such as propyl rays from natural nuclides, generally has a frequency of 1012 Hz and a maximum energy of 2.6 MeV, which means that even the highest intensity non-ionizing radiation cannot produce ionization in living organisms. (Nuclear radiation, on the other hand, can produce ionization and directly destroy living organisms.) However, other biological effects produced by non-ionizing radiation, such as heat, chemical reactions and the induction of electric currents in the organism, can also destroy the biological organism. This is the mechanism by which electromagnetic radiation produces harm. What is the environmental electromagnetic field The environmental electromagnetic field has two categories, natural and man-made, which are important parts of the natural biosphere. Natural electromagnetic fields include earth, near-earth and cosmic causes, and are accordingly divided into the earth's fixed magnetic field (geomagnetic field), the earth's electric field and from 103Hz to 1012Hz frequency of the alternating electromagnetic field. Lightning is a type of atmospheric, or celestial, electricity. Nuclear radiation from the Earth, Sun and galaxies, on the other hand, are AC EMF sources. Man-made EMFs are caused by human technological engineering. Their EMF radiation includes industrial frequencies and the full radio (high frequency or RF) frequency domain. The strength of the EMF depends on the power, emission parameters and the distance from the observation point. There are also man-made electromagnetic field is divided into: industrial frequency electromagnetic field, radio frequency electromagnetic radiation field and microwave radiation field three categories, including radio broadcasting, television, microwave communications, etc. of a variety of radio-frequency equipment radiation, the impact of the region is larger. People's Republic of China **** and national standards Electromagnetic radiation protection regulations clearly stipulate the occupational exposure derived limits and public exposure derived limits, the power density of electromagnetic radiation can not exceed 20uW / square centimeter; in the living environment, the power density of electromagnetic radiation can not exceed 40uW / square centimeter. The value of electromagnetic waves is measured in magnetic beam density unit MG (milligauss). Household appliances, microwave ovens, vacuum cleaners, cell phones electromagnetic wave radiation is the strongest, are up to 200 MG; (Note: 20uW / square centimeter is equal to about 2 milligauss) Electromagnetic radiation on the human body harm electromagnetic radiation on the human body is a variety of hazards, women and the fetus is particularly vulnerable to harm, surveys show that: 1 to 3 months for the embryonic period, subject to strong electromagnetic radiation may cause defects in the limbs or malformations 4 to 5 months for the fetus forming period, exposure to electromagnetic radiation may cause intellectual underdevelopment, or even cause dementia; 6 to 10 months for the fetus growth period, exposure to electromagnetic radiation can lead to immune function is low, the birth of a weak body, poor resistance. Research has confirmed that long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic intensity as long as 1 milligauss, can make the antibody can not be combined with blood cells, if it reaches 10 milligauss, it can make the thymus cell death, immunity decline, if it reaches 40 milligauss, the embryo development is abnormal, resulting in deformed babies. For high-voltage electricity low-frequency electromagnetic wave non-free radiation general environmental recommendations for the value of 833 mGauss. Are home appliances safe? It is difficult to scientifically and meticulously investigate the effects of electromagnetic waves on the human body because of the combined effects of different environmental factors on the human body, and it is difficult to do long-term tracking surveys. Whether electromagnetic waves generated by various household appliances can cause brain cancer, leukemia, deformed babies, miscarriages and other consequences, although some people have opposing views, but some experts believe that this is true. And a large number of survey reports show that women are particularly sensitive, especially pregnant women. So what are the more "dangerous" household appliances? Microwaves have a strong thermal effect, microwave ovens are precisely the use of microwaves of this feature. It is in a short period of time vibration heating water molecules within the food to achieve the purpose of heating, cooking. Therefore, it generates strong electromagnetic waves. Yanqing University research group research results show that from the microwave oven 15cm at the magnetic field strength as low as 100MG, up to 300MG. now we know that all household appliances in the microwave oven's magnetic field is the strongest. Electromagnetic waves from microwave ovens can induce cataracts and cause brain abnormalities. According to research, microwaves also reduce fertility. Electric mattresses are typical of electrical products that come into close contact with the body over a long period of time. Medical research has shown that electric mattresses are in direct contact with the skin and cause health disorders by keeping resting cells in electromagnetic waves for a long time. A few centimeters away from the electric mattress at the magnetic field strength of up to 20-50MG, and its electromagnetic strength also reached nearly 2KVM, and 50V high-voltage wires under the electromagnetic strength of 3KVM. strong electric field so that some people sleep after the discomfort, especially pregnant women is best to prohibit the use of electric mattresses. It was reported in 1986 that the rate of miscarriage and abnormal births was higher among pregnant women who used electric mattresses than among those who did not. Electromagnetic waves generated by TVs are similar to those generated by terminal monitors. Prolonged exposure to electromagnetic waves from terminal monitors or televisions can cause eye pain, fatigue, and other symptoms, and can lead to miscarriages, stillbirths, and births of abnormal fetuses. With the development of electronic technology and the wider and wider application of computers, more and more people need to operate and manage computers, and deal with computers all day long, especially with food terminals, with high contact frequency and long operation time. China's Beijing Labor Protection Science Research Institute and a system of medical engineering research institute has repeatedly on the relevant departments of the computer radiation carried out actual measurements. The results show that the upper part of the computer and the two sides and other parts of the standard are exceeded, generally exceeding the standard a few times to dozens of times, up to 45 times. Electromagnetic radiation 6 major hazards The World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer, electromagnetic waves have the potential to cause cancer, requiring governments and the power industry should take corresponding countermeasures. China Interior Decorators Association Indoor Environment Testing Center warns; buy housing must pay attention to the community's electromagnetic radiation pollution exceeds the standard. At present, many people have reflected their own new neighborhood electromagnetic radiation pollution is very serious, not only the home appliances are too much interference can not be used normally, and many people have different degrees of discomfort. With large-scale urban renewal and real estate development, some originally built in the city around the transmission center and high-voltage lines and other facilities around the development and construction also began, the community environment and the indoor environment in the electromagnetic radiation pollution problems also arise. Electromagnetic radiation in the end what harm to the human body? According to relevant experts, there are six main aspects of its harm. One of the hazards It is very likely to be one of the causes of leukemia in children. Medical research has proved that long-term in the high electromagnetic radiation environment, will make the blood, lymph fluid and cell protoplasm changes. Italian experts believe that more than 400 children in that country suffer from leukemia every year, the main reason is that it is too close to high-voltage lines, and thus subject to serious electromagnetic pollution. Harmful two can induce cancer and accelerate the proliferation of cancer cells in the human body. Electromagnetic radiation pollution affects the human circulatory system, immunity, reproduction and metabolic functions, and in serious cases can induce cancer and accelerate the proliferation of cancer cells in the human body. Swiss research data pointed out that residents of households surrounded by high-voltage lines, the probability of developing breast cancer is 7.4 times higher than that of ordinary people. Cancer Medicine Foundation of Texas, the United States for some patients who suffered electromagnetic radiation damage to do the sampling laboratory results show that in the high-voltage lines near the work of workers, its cancer cells grow 24 times faster than the general population. Hazard No. 3 affects the human reproductive system, which is mainly manifested in the lowering of sperm quality in men and the occurrence of spontaneous abortion and fetal malformation in pregnant women. Harmful fourth can lead to children's intellectual disability. According to the latest survey, China's annual birth of 20 million children, there are 350,000 for defective children, of which 250,000 for the intellectual disability, some experts believe that electromagnetic radiation is also one of the factors affecting. The World Health Organization believes that computers, televisions, cell phones, electromagnetic radiation has an adverse effect on the fetus. Harmful five affect people's cardiovascular system, manifested as palpitations, insomnia, some women's menstrual disorders, bradycardia, decreased blood flow, sinus irregularities, leukocyte reduction, decreased immune function and so on. If patients with pacemakers are exposed to high-voltage electromagnetic radiation, it will affect the normal use of pacemakers. Hazard No.6 Adverse effect on people's visual system. Because the eyes belong to the human body to electromagnetic radiation sensitive organs, too high electromagnetic radiation pollution will cause vision loss, cataracts and so on. High doses of electromagnetic radiation will also affect and destroy the body's original bioelectric current and bio-magnetic field, so that the original electromagnetic field in the body abnormal. It is worth noting that different people or the same person at different ages on the ability to withstand electromagnetic radiation is not the same, the elderly, children, pregnant women belong to the sensitive population of electromagnetic radiation. Learn to prevent radiation There are five kinds of people should pay special attention to electromagnetic radiation pollution: living and working in the high-voltage lines, substations, radio, television, radar stations, electromagnetic wave transmission towers near the personnel; the frequent use of electronic instruments, medical equipment, office automation equipment personnel; living in a modernized environment of the staff; wearing a pacemaker patients; living in the above environment, pregnant women, children, the elderly and patients etc. If the living environment is highly polluted by electromagnetic radiation, the public must take appropriate protective measures. Do not place household electrical appliances too centrally, so as not to expose yourself to the hazards of excessive doses of radiation. In particular, some household appliances that are prone to electromagnetic waves, such as radios, televisions, computers, refrigerators, etc. should not be centrally placed in the bedroom. A variety of household appliances, office equipment, cell phones should try to avoid long hours of operation, while trying to avoid a variety of office and household appliances at the same time. Cell phone connected to the moment of the release of electromagnetic radiation is the largest, in the use of the head and cell phone antenna should try to make the distance a little farther, it is best to use the separation of the headset and microphone to answer the phone. Pay attention to the human body and office and household appliances distance, the use of various electrical appliances, should maintain a certain safety distance, the farther away from the appliances, by electromagnetic wave infringement is smaller. Such as color TV and human distance should be 4 to 5 meters, and fluorescent tubes distance should be 2 to 3 meters, microwave ovens should be left at least 1 meter away after opening, pregnant women and children should try to stay away from microwave ovens. If the housing near high-voltage lines, substations, radio, television, radar stations, electromagnetic wave towers, be sure to ask the experts to electromagnetic radiation detection, if the test found more than the national standard, to take timely measures.