Gaoyantun Refuse Incineration Plant's Impact on the Neighborhood

Gaoantun Refuse Incineration Plant is the first modernized large-scale refuse incineration power plant in Beijing, located in Chaoyang Circular Economy Industrial Park in Beijing. The plant covers an area of 46,667 square meters, with a building area of 36,793 square meters, treating 1,600 tons of domestic garbage per day and 700,000 tons of garbage per year. The plant adopts BOT mode and is held by Beijing Holding Environmental Group Corporation.

On the impact of waste incineration plant on the surrounding area, the following environmental impacts usually need to be considered:

1. Atmospheric Pollution: The process of waste incineration produces a large amount of exhaust gases, including toxic and harmful gases and dust. If the waste gas is not properly treated, it will have an impact on the surrounding atmospheric environment.

2. Water Pollution: Waste water generated during the waste incineration process may pollute the neighboring water resources if it is not properly treated.

3. Noise pollution: the operation of waste incineration equipment will produce noise, if the sound insulation measures are not in place, it may have an impact on the living environment of the surrounding residents.

4. Solid waste pollution: waste incineration will produce slag and other solid waste, if not properly handled, may have an impact on the surrounding environment.

In response to the above impacts, the Gaoyantun waste incineration plant has taken appropriate environmental protection measures, such as exhaust gas treatment system, wastewater treatment system, soundproofing measures and solid waste treatment system, in order to minimize the impact on the surrounding environment. In addition, the plant conducts regular environmental monitoring and assessment to ensure that all environmental indicators comply with national standards.

Overall, the Gaoyantun waste incineration plant has taken more stringent measures in environmental protection to minimize the impact on the surrounding environment. However, for neighboring residents who are concerned about the impact of the waste incineration plant on their own lives, they can reflect the situation to the local environmental protection department to learn more about the relevant information and take appropriate measures.