I have sensitive skin, why is it more red after I did the treatment?

This is because I don't know the specific products used and the care process so I can't say for sure. However, there are 2 points can be clear, first, if you do care before the skin is not red or other symptoms of discomfort, then the operation of the process caused by the skin more sensitive, if you appear itchy, red, swollen, the phenomenon of heat does not go away, it can be concluded that you are allergic to, that is to say, from the sensitive upgraded to the allergic. Then this is the care of the problem. Secondly, if the care before the red, at the same time there is heat or other discomfort reaction, take is previously allergic, then the care also continued to have red is relatively normal, because you are allergic to the time of skin inflammation, anti-inflammatory is there will be a process of conditioning, this process may be short-term tingling, numbness, or red situation, belong to the normal reaction. For example, when we apply anti-inflammatory or restorative ointment to a wound on the skin, it will sting at first, but the reaction will disappear soon. You should see an improvement overnight.

So see for yourself where you fall into the category and then look for the problem.