The people of Italy are very grateful to our country.
Italy's prime minister has announced that all Italian stores, except for basic living and pharmacies, and all bars and restaurants will close. The latest figures released by Italy's Ministry of Civil Protection show that over the past day***2,313 new cases of coronary pneumonia and a total of 12,462 new cases have been confirmed. There were 196 new deaths, ***counting 827 deaths*** and 1,045 cured. There are now 10,590 new cases in Italy, of which 1,028 are severe cases.On March 10, the European edition of the American political news site made public an article signed by Italian Ambassador Massari in the European Union, stating that the new viral crisis is not only a crisis of specific countries, but also a crisis of Europe.
Additionally, in order to ensure the availability of medical equipment needed to protect individuals, Italy's request to activate the EU's civil protection mechanism was emphasized. Unfortunately, none of the EU member states responded to the European Commission's request. While only China responded, this is by no means a precursor to European unification. According to several foreign media reports, Italy has confirmed 2,313 new cases of pneumonia, 12,462 new cases of pneumonia, 196 new deaths and 827 deaths. On March 10, local time, the Italian Foreign Minister was interviewed by Italian TV. He said that the Chinese government recently proposed to send supplies and specialized medical experts to Italy. He has rich experience and Italy is y grateful to the Chinese government.
Experts from China's Health Care and Hygiene Commission, held a video conference with the World Health Organization and the Italian Ministry of Health to introduce the experience of epidemic prevention and control. The Italian Vice Minister of Health Care and Medical Experts said that China is the first country to respond to the new virus epidemic and has rich experience in diagnosis and treatment, especially in the treatment of seriously ill patients. China has always had a low mortality rate and its experience is very important for the world in the war against epidemics. Thanks to China's rapid understanding of epidemiologic information, it has set an example for us in our battle against epidemics.