What is the principle of atomizer?

Through airflow sensing or pressing the button, it makes the battery work and connects to the atomizer, which makes heat, vaporizes the tobacco oil and produces an atomization effect, achieving a similar effect to smoking.

The atomizer is an important part of the atomization system, and its performance has a significant impact on the precision of the measurement and chemical interference. Therefore, it is required that the atomizer spray is stable, the droplets are fine and uniform and the atomization efficiency is high.

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Expanded Information;

Medical nebulizers Precautions when using

1, advocate the sick with a mask to do nebulization, do not have to bite the mouth (in order to prevent the exhalation of airflow into the nebulizer, rusting the internal components of the nebulizer).

2, in each boot before the tank must be filled with distilled water. Check whether the bottom of the medicine cup diaphragm leakage, in order to prevent the liquid into the water caused by waste, in addition to liquid erosion of the chip.

3, each use is complete, the sink in the water is completely drained, dry the atomizer, the wafer with a soft cloth to dry, found on the wafer scale, with the wafer special cleaning fluid soak 3min-5min, and then wipe dry, in order to extend the life.

4, please do not use benzene, thinner and flammable chemicals to clean the product.

5.Do not handle or store the product when there is liquid in the bottle.

Reference source;/baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%9B%BE%E5%8C%96%E5%99%A8/7311582#5_1 "target="_blank "title="Baidu Encyclopedia - Nebulizers">Baidu Encyclopedia - Nebulizers