How many types of CT are there nowadays?Does a 64-row spiral CT count as advanced?


CT is divided into single-row CT, double-row CT, 16-row CT, 64-row CT, 128-row CT, 256-row CT, 320CT, and Jewel CT, Dazzle Dual-Source CT, and GE's Revolution CT.

CT scanning is generally used to initially screen lesions; CT enhancement is generally used to further characterize lesions, or scanning can not show, or can not show clear lesions. CT enhancement includes general enhancement, CT perfusion, and angiography. Angiography is generally very helpful for the display of blood vessels throughout the body, and CT perfusion is generally used for cranial perfusion, mainly for tumors, trauma, aneurysms, and so on.

Extended information:


When undergoing the examination, metal objects near the examination site should be removed, to prevent the object from having an impact on the image quality. caused by the item.

Certain parts of the body, such as the chest and abdomen, require breath-holding during the examination, and the examinee needs to cooperate with the operator for breath-holding training.

Further patient cooperation may be required for some specific CT examinations, such as coronary CT examinations, which require heart rate lowering adjustments prior to the examination. For example, for head and neck angiography, the patient's vascular condition needs to be assessed for suitability for vascular venous injections and so on.

Baidu Encyclopedia - CT

Baidu Encyclopedia - 64-row spiral CT