Hello, the hospital is open 24 hours a day, Saturday and Sunday. If you don't need to specify a particular specialist, you can go at any time. However, if you need to specify a specialist, the time of different specialists' clinics is different, so you can ask at the hospital or call the hospital's consulting phone number to inquire.
Baoji Central Hospital Address: 8 Jiang Tan Road, Baoji City, Shaanxi Province, Zip Code: 721008
Consultation Phone: 0917-3397644, 3397412 Fax: 0917-3394476?
Email: webmaster@bjzxyy.com
City ride: No. 4, No. 18, No. 37, No. 40, No. 41, No. 46 to Baoji Central Hospital (Lily Flower City District)
Expanded Information:
Emergency Telephone: 0917-3397120
The general duty telephone: 0917-3395999
Health Screening Section: 0917-3397721
Monitoring Office: 0917-3397485
Medical Section: 0917-3397489
Nursing Department: 0917-3397482
Medical Technology Department: 0917-3397127< /p>
Audit Department: 0917-3397475
Medical Insurance Department: 0917-3397894
Disease Record Department: 0917-3397541
Baoji Central Hospital Official Website - Outpatient Time