Electronic interference is generally divided into active electronic interference and passive electronic interference two categories.
1, active electronic jamming: with a specialized jamming transmitter to transmit or retransmit some form of electromagnetic wave, so that the enemy's electronic equipment and systems are disrupted or destroyed. Transmitted interference signal carrier frequency, power and modulation (interference style) is based on the type of electronic equipment to interfere with, operating frequency and technology system selected.
2, passive electronic interference: with itself does not emit electromagnetic waves of the foil, reflectors or wave absorbers and other equipment, reflection or absorption of the enemy's electronic equipment emitted by the radio waves, so that the effectiveness of the weakened or destroyed. This type of interference, mainly used to interfere with radar, laser ranging devices and other electronic equipment to receive reflected waves to work.
Effectiveness of electronic interference
From the process of signal reception can be seen, due to the receiver has a useful signal band outside the signal is very strong inhibitory ability, an interference signal only has to receive with the signal at the same time to fall into the receiver passband within the frequency domain characteristics of the receiver to be received by the receiver. Generally, if the total energy or synthesized amplitude entering the receiver is not particularly large, they are subjected to the same processing in the linear portion of the receiver, such as amplification, filtering, and conversion.
The interfering signal that enters the receiving band of the receiver will then have a disruptive effect on signal reception. Therefore, the frequency domain characteristics of the interfering signal should be the first of its frequency components can fall into the receiver passband. Usually, in order to take into account the effect of frequency aiming error, the bandwidth of the interfering signal is greater than the receiver passband, then it is necessary to interfere with the out-of-band loss is taken into account in the total output power of the jammer.