Parameters of inverter filters

Insertion loss is an important parameter for measuring the electrical performance of inverter filters.

Insertion loss is the ratio of the noise voltage transmitted from the noise source to the load when the filter is not used to the noise voltage transmitted from the noise source to the load when the filter is inserted.

Insertion loss is tested in a system with an impedance of 50 Ω for both input and output, and the result is usually expressed as an attenuation curve (in decibels) in the frequency band of interest. The leakage current of an inverter filter is the current that flows between the fire and zero wires and the enclosure at a voltage/frequency of 250VAC/50Hz.

The magnitude of the leakage current depends primarily on the ****mode capacitance in the inverter filter.

From the point of view of insertion loss, the larger the *** mode capacitance, the better the electrical performance, at this time, the leakage current is also larger. However, from the security aspect, the leakage current can not be too large, otherwise it does not meet the requirements of the safety standards. Especially some health care equipment, the leakage current is required to be as small as possible. Therefore, according to the specific equipment requirements to determine the capacity of **** mode capacitors. In order to ensure the quality of the inverter filter, semi-finished products before all the voltage withstand test. Test standards are:

3.1, the fire wire and shell (or zero line and shell) between the application of 1750VAC high voltage, time one minute, no discharge phenomenon and hissing sound.

3.2, between the fire wire and the zero line apply 1500VDC DC high voltage, time one minute, no discharge phenomenon and hissing sound.

3.3, due to the inverter filter to do the voltage test, will be on the internal devices with some damage, the user test can not be too many times, the time can not be too long. Otherwise, it will reduce the life of the inverter filter wave, or even damage the inverter filter.