Bigger hospitals require longer waiting times. Sometimes you can get to the hospital early in the morning and have to wait until the afternoon, so it's not too boring to bring a magazine or something to read. Recently, there are also places where you can make an appointment by phone and get a specific time. Dental clinics are basically using the full appointment system, and the number of pediatrics clinics that are using telephone appointments is also increasing. However, you should be prepared to wait for about 20-30 minutes. After the consultation, you will have to pay for the treatment. If it is your first visit, the "first visit fee" plus the treatment fee will be higher. If you need further treatment, you will need to make another appointment. At the same time, the doctor will give you a prescription to buy medicine at a nearby pharmacy. At the pharmacy, you will be given instructions on how to take the medicine. Here are the details of how to go to the doctor in Japan:
1. Make an appointment
Japanese hospitals usually require an appointment in advance, so you can google their contact information and call them in advance.
2.paid (うけつけ)
Generally after entering the hospital or clinic there is a pretty girl waiting for you, tell her you are the one who made the appointment, and then she will ask you for your insurance card to log in. Usually you will be given a membership card to their hospital. Nothing special, it means you've been here before. You don't need to fill out an address the next time you come.
Note: You can't get discounted services without an insurance card.
3, ask the doctor (もんしん)
这个流程中国一般都是医生面面问你,日本因为各医院科室分细,所以一般会给你一张表格让你填写。 Generally speaking, it is to ask you what some of the disease, there is no allergy medication, now there is no medicine. What kind of medicine are you taking? There is no pregnancy and so on.
4, treatment (ちりょう)
治疗完完了,去前台的等待区(一般是在受付前面),等待小姑娘喊你名字。 When your name is called, just go and pay. After you pay you'll wonder why no medicine was given.
This is a little different from home. Because the hospital and the pharmacy in Japan are separate. So the hospital only gives you a diagnosis and prescribes medicine. You have to go to the pharmacy to buy the medicine. Pharmacies usually open near hospitals or clinics.
6. Yakusho (やっきょく)
At the Yakusho, you can give the form you got at the hospital to the girl at the front desk. Some places will ask you to fill out a form. The main thing is your contact information and if you take any other medication.
After the pretty girl at the pharmacy gives you the prescription you have to pay for it. Because the cost in the hospital is just for the diagnosis.