High-pressure disconnecting valve is generally used for working temperature ≤ 450 ℃, working pressure ≤ 25.0MPa, the medium is water, steam, oil, high-pressure pipeline system for cutting off the device. Use only fully open or fully closed.
General types are: high-pressure electrically operated gate valve, high-pressure manual gate valve, bevel gear drive gate valve.
High-pressure gate valve selection is generally based on the energy medium pressure, flow, operating temperature, corrosion and the use of the installation location to select the type.
High-pressure products and ordinary low-pressure products are not the same, related to personal safety issues, it is best to let the engineer to the site to see the measurement and then select the type. Ltd. has been engaged in high-voltage products for more than 10 years, there are many steel plant performance, and engineers are willing to go to your site mapping to confirm, such as interest, please call 027--89708339, I hope to help you.