Is it reasonable to extract a wisdom tooth for $2398?

Wisdom teeth have many classifications and grow in different postures. Is it reasonable or unreasonable to extract a wisdom tooth for $2,398, depending on the oral cavity:

If there are cavities, inflammation, or calculus in the mouth, you need to undergo standardized treatments before extracting the wisdom teeth, which will increase the total cost of wisdom teeth extraction.

Additionally, the more soulful the wisdom tooth position, the more poking and prodding the price of removal. Some wisdom teeth have a more complex structure and require X-rays to understand the underlying structure of the wisdom tooth before extraction, which makes the price of wisdom tooth extraction relatively higher.

Simply put, pricing will vary from region to region for all types of dental hospitals, but the impact is not significant. The main thing is to differentiate based on the difficulty of the wisdom tooth itself and the amount of surgical trauma.

Approximate price list for wisdom teeth extraction:

Upper jaw erupted wisdom teeth (orthodontics) - from $400

Mandibular erupted wisdom teeth (orthodontics) - from $600

Upper jaw wisdom teeth ( Ordinary Obstructed) - from $600

Mandibular Wisdom Teeth (Ordinary Obstructed) - from $900

Mandibular Wisdom Teeth (Complex Obstructed) - from 1200RMB

Mandibular Wisdom Teeth (Complex Obstructed) -- 1600RMB

Horizontal Obstructed Wisdom Teeth (Buried Multiple Teeth) -- 1800RMB

Minimally Invasive Tooth Extraction -- from $200 (generally regular hospitals have been commonly used minimally invasive extraction procedures, there will be no additional charges)

Ultrasonic bone knife -- from $800

After such an understanding, do you understand, in comparison, the price of extracting a wisdom tooth is not reasonably priced, it should be clear.