How about the California Proton Center?

You mean Scripps proton therapy center in California, right? The English name is Scripps Proton Therapy Center. There are currently 14 proton therapy centers in the United States, which has the best and latest Varian proton therapy system in the world.

It was established on February 9, 20 14. They have four attending doctors. Among them, Dr. Carl Rossi is the most experienced and experienced person in charge. In his early years, Dr. Karl Rossi worked in the first proton center in the United States-the proton center affiliated to Malinda University, and accumulated a lot of experience. So far, he has treated more than 9000 patients, and he is also very enthusiastic.

Compared with proton in Massachusetts General Hospital and MD Anderson, all five treatment rooms in Scripps Proton Center can carry out intensity modulated proton therapy, which is very good. The domestic branch is in Shanghai, called Meijia Overseas Medical.

Carl Rossi said in an interview that protons have a very good effect on early lung cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer, and most tumors in children. But whether it is suitable for protons, whether it should be combined with radiotherapy and chemotherapy and so on. It still depends on the assessment of the condition.

At present, it is the most advanced in proton center.