How to dispose the flue gas of waste pyrolysis incinerator?

The waste pyrolysis incinerator flue gas disposal: the use of circulating cooling water, the high temperature flue gas generated by the waste incineration cooling and dust removal treatment.

Garbage pyrolysis incinerator flue gas disposal: the use of a new type of cooling purification tower, the purification tower is not only a set of rapid cooling and washing as a whole, but also for the flue gas flash cooling.

Rubbish pyrolysis incinerator

Composition of the material produced by incineration:

The material produced by incineration consists of residue, flue gas.

The main components of the waste incineration flue gas consists of N2, O2, CO2, H2O, the content of which accounts for 99% of the capacity of the flue gas, which is less harmful to the environment or no harm.

The incineration flue gas also contains about 1% of pollutants that have a greater impact on the environment, including the following four categories:

Particulate matter (dust)

Acidic gases: hydrogen chloride (HCL), hydrogen fluoride (HF), sulfur oxides (SOx),

Nitrogen oxides (NOx)

Heavy metals mercury (Hg), lead (Pb) Chromium (Cd), other heavy metals and compounds

Organic highly toxic pollutants dioxins (PCDDs), furans (PcDFs)

Rubbish pyrolysis incinerator

Rubbish incineration fly ash (dust) is the incineration process of tiny inorganic granular material composition,

Denitrification technology mainly low nitrate combustion control technology and selective non catalytic reduction technology, and selective catalytic reduction technology, etc. The main low nitrate combustion control technology to ensure that its emission of flue gas meets the standard.

Waste pyrolysis incinerator