The general principle of pcr laboratory design is to divide into three independent test areas according to the experimental process: reagent preparation, specimen preparation and PCR amplification detection. The whole area has an overall buffer corridor. Each independent test area is set up with a buffer, together with each area through the air pressure regulation, so that the entire PCR test process reagents and specimens from aerosol contamination and reduce the amplification products on personnel and environmental pollution. Can open the buffer zone, buffer zone and PCR amplification area of the exhaust fan to the outside exhaust, in the test area of the outer wall and the door are equipped with adjustable air volume of the return air outlet, the air through the return air outlet to the indoor air exchange.
Lamps should be used to purify lamps and lanterns, which can reach the characteristics of easy cleaning and no accumulation of dust. UV lamps are installed on the top of the three test areas and three buffer zones as well as inside the transmission window for sterilization. In the reagent preparation area and specimen preparation area also set up mobile ultraviolet lamps, part of the test table for sterilization. This lighting equipment in addition to meet the lighting, and to ensure the degree of cleanliness, is a very critical point.