Making money as a medical device company?

Making money as a medical equipment company.

Doing medicine and medical supplies sales is like "drilling", as long as a well, every day there is water to drink. And do medical equipment is not the same, do medical equipment is "three years do not open, open to eat three years", the higher the bidding price of medical equipment, the longer the single process, the more complex, the links involved, the more people involved.

Doing medical equipment is "a shot for a place" process, always in the process of market development, sales are always zero, because the hospital to introduce a medical equipment, generally about eight years. Single product variety of medical equipment manufacturers and agents are difficult to grow bigger and stronger. There is no sustained new orders, do medical equipment people will starve and die of thirst.

So currently more than 70% of listed companies, annual sales of more than 100 million medical device companies are doing medical supplies.

In the new situation, agents who switch from drugs to medical devices have several options:

Platform economy: either to build their own logistics platform for pharmaceuticals and medical consumables, or to get closer to large pharmaceutical commercial companies such as China National Pharmaceuticals, Shanghai Pharmaceuticals, and Jiuzhoutong, or to switch to become a medical device manufacturer.

Channel transformation: to OTC, private hospitals, birth control system, CDC system, central blood station, civil affairs system, disability system and other channels, because the above channels are not affected by the two vote system and other factors.