Open the website of the National Health and Family Planning Commission. At the bottom right of the page, find the electronic registration system of the National Health and Family Planning Commission. Click to enter to start registration.
Physicians are senior medical and health personnel who have received higher medical education or have been engaged in medical and health work for a long time, and who have been examined and qualified by the national health department.
Doctors enjoy the following rights in their practice:
(1) within the registered scope of practice, to conduct medical diagnosis, disease investigation, medical treatment, issue appropriate medical documents, and choose reasonable medical, preventive and health care programs.
(2) In accordance with the standards set forth by the State Council administrative department of health, access to the basic conditions of medical equipment comparable to my practice.
(3) To engage in medical research, academic exchanges, and to participate in professional academic organizations.
(4) To participate in professional training and receive continuing medical education.
(v) In the practice of medicine, the dignity of the human person and personal safety from infringement.