Centrifuge use code

I. Centrifuge in the pre-cooling state, the centrifuge cover must be closed, centrifugation after the end of the removal of the rotary head should be placed upside down on the experimental bench, dry the cavity of the residual water, at this time the centrifuge cover is in an open state.

II. The rotor head in the pre-cooling of the rotor head cover can be placed on the platform of the centrifuge, or placed on the experimental bench, must not be unscrewed floating on the rotor head, because once the false start, the rotor head cover will fly out, resulting in accidents!

Three. Turning head cover after tightening must use fingers to touch the turn head and turn cover between the gap, if there is a gap to unscrew the re-tightening, until the confirmation of no gap before starting the centrifuge.

four. In the centrifugation process, the operator shall not leave the centrifuge room, once an abnormal situation occurs the operator can not turn off the power (POWER), to press STOP. in the pre-cooling before filling out the centrifuge use record.

V. Shall not use shoddy centrifugal make tube, shall not use aging, deformation, cracked

grain centrifugal tube.

VI. On holidays and the last use of centrifuges in the evening must be routinely checked for safety before leaving.

VII. In the use of the instrument in the process of machine failure, damage to components to contact the manufacturer in a timely manner The laboratory is commonly used in electric centrifuge electric centrifuge rotating speed, pay attention to safety, in particular, to prevent during the operation of the centrifuge, due to the imbalance or aging of the cushion of the test tube, the centrifuge side of the work side of the movement, so that it fell off the experimental table, or due to the lid is not capped, the centrifuge tube due to the vibration of the rupture, glass Or because the lid is not covered, the centrifuge tube ruptured due to vibration, the glass fragments rotate and fly out, causing accidents. Therefore, when using the centrifuge, you must pay attention to the following operations.

(1) The bottom of the centrifuge casing should be padded with cotton or test tube pads.

(2) If the electric centrifuge has noise or body vibration, the power should be cut off immediately and troubleshooting should be done instantly.

(3) centrifuge tube must be placed symmetrically into the casing to prevent body vibration, if only one sample tube another to be replaced by an equal mass of water.

(4) start the centrifuge, should be covered with the top cover of the centrifuge before starting slowly.

(5) After the separation, turn off the centrifuge first, and open the cover of the centrifuge only after the centrifuge stops rotating to take out the samples, and do not force it to stop moving with external force.

(6) The centrifugation time is generally 1 to 2 minutes, during which the experimenter must not leave to do something else.

In enterprises or institutions and research organizations, the rotational speed of about 3,000 revolutions of low-speed experimental centrifuges have been more commonly used, such as 315-type filtration + sedimentation integrated experimental centrifuges, 100-type experimental centrifuges, 200-type experimental centrifuges and so on. These centrifuges are reasonably designed, with a low center of gravity, safe and stable, and have been more widely used in the analysis of preliminary specimens in the chemical, food, medical and other fields.