Friends circle sales copy phrases

Friends circle sales copy phrases are as follows:

1, when I'm 1 order short at the end of the month, and you're happy with the product and service, sign up decisively, after all, this day is valuable to you and me.

2, your needs are our quality service, quality room transactions, everyone called.

3, try not to deliberately watch out for me, I'm a salesman, need performance, but I understand that you win is the premise of my win.

4, people can, is to believe that they can. Instead of waiting for customers to come to your door, go out and find them.

5, I believe you are an independent and intelligent individual, so I can not make choices for you, but I will assist you to understand what you need most.

6, for salespeople, there is nothing more valuable than time, understanding and selecting customers, is to allow salespeople to put their time and power on the most likely to buy, rather than wasting it on people who can not buy your product.

7, there are customers after the customer, the beginning of service is the beginning of sales. Endure the pain that others can not endure, eat others can not eat the suffering of others, in order to reap the harvest can not be harvested.

8, a sales, two lips, three meals indeterminate, just for the four seasons have a single, spelled all the organs are damaged, six God, still seven o'clock to get up, eight o'clock to go, ten o'clock in the evening, do not know the hard work.

9, sales is selling emotions.

10, do a good job of selling with love, with a grateful heart.