What is the effect of children's brain cancer receiving proton therapy in Taiwan hospitals?

Taiwan's medical service level is in the leading position in Asia, and its medical technology has long been famous in the international arena. 14 of the world's top 200 hospitals are located in Taiwan, which is ranked No. 3 in the world and No. 1 in Asia after the U.S. and Germany. Its hospitals are equipped with advanced medical equipments and follow the world's frontiers, which attracts more and more people from the mainland to go to the hospital for medical treatment and therapy. For example, for children's tumors, Taiwan Proton Therapy is the best quality treatment. Proton therapy is particularly suitable for children's tumors. Proton therapy can significantly reduce the low to medium radiation dose, which reduces the impact on children's growth and development, which is very important for children's future development and reduces the incidence of secondary tumors. For example, in the treatment of pediatric brain tumors, the advantage of proton therapy is that there is no residual dose to the normal tissue behind the tumor, which reduces secondary tumors and adverse effects on the child's intelligence and development. Compared with other radiotherapy techniques, it can achieve the same or even better therapeutic effect, but with less damage to the surrounding healthy tissues and fewer side effects. For mainland pediatric brain cancer patients going to Taiwan to use proton therapy is one of the preferred places to receive international medical services without leaving the country.