Speaking of the ancient son of God, many people must all think of the nine or five words, because in the view of many people in ancient times, the son of God is the nine or five, they want to do what to do what, no one has the right to deter. In accordance with the principle that the ancient son of heaven to enjoy are the best pay, they usually eat with the most superior, their life expectancy should be longer, but the fact is not so, the ancient son of heaven's life has always been very short, according to historical records, the ancient son of heaven's average life expectancy of 39 years old, which inevitably let many people sob? [This makes many people sob. So why are the ancient sons of God so short-lived? The truth is that there is a reason, the reason can be divided into the following three.
The first reason, medicine is not developed. Ancient medicine is not developed, even if the wind or other small illnesses all want a person's life, in ancient times, in fact, not only the son of God's life is short, even the other civilians are the same, many civilians can only live to thirty or forty years old, and this is true at that time is a very common scene, with the medical situation at that time, want to live a long time, the real excessively difficult. Even if you are a nine or five, even if you are surrounded by the best medical equipment, but these medical equipment in today's view is actually nothing, if you want to live a long life is actually not easy. What's more, there were no vaccines at the time, so bacteria could easily enter the human body, plus the cleaning supplies weren't particularly on point beforehand, and dishes and other tools were extremely susceptible to bacteria, which could harbor disease.
The second reason, overworked. The modern son of God is completely different from today's working people, today's working people have to go to work every day, but on weekends to be able to rest, so even if it is too much hard work, people will not be overly tired. But the ancient son of heaven is not the same, of course, they eat with the best, but they have to worry about the state every day, and often no vacation, like this labor, even if it is steel people will not be able to stand, so some of the son of heaven will be due to the accumulation of disease and died, even if they did not die, they will be infected with the disease. Especially the bright kings, they spent their whole life in labor.
The third reason, excessive indulgence. The reason why the son of God is a short life, with this cause has a lot to do, everyone knows that the ancient son of God has three palaces and six houses, and concubines, the most important thing is that those concubines are also on the top of the selection, the son of God is nine or five, so basically every few years will come to a draft, and these showgirls are also experiencing the selection of layers of elevation, whether it is in the posture or in the talent is superior, the Emperor of China, the Emperor of China, the Emperor of China, the Emperor of China, the Emperor of China, the Emperor of China, the Emperor of China, the Emperor of China, the Emperor of China, the Emperor of China, the Emperor of China, the Emperor of China, the Emperor of China, the Emperor of China, the Emperor of China. Faced with so many beautiful women, how can the emperor control himself? It is because they do not grasp the scale, indulge in excessive desire, so it will be due to the early death.
This is the first time I've ever seen a man with a high level of skill, and I've never seen a man with a high level of skill. The first time I saw this, I was able to see that the whole world had been in a state of shock, and that I was able to see the whole world in a state of shock, and that I was able to see the whole world in a state of shock. What's more, over the years, they constantly labor, basically no time to take a rest, if replaced by others can enjoy their old age, and their time in the world are basically in the political affairs and labor. In ancient times, the son of heaven is not good to do, and the good son of heaven is not good to do.