Laboratory gloves appear what can not be used?

What should I be aware of when using protective gloves in the lab? Laboratory safety has always been our special attention. Laboratory gloves are indispensable personal protective equipment in the laboratory. They are also a barrier to protect our hands. Laboratory gloves should pay attention to seven points.

1. Wearing gloves in chemical experiments can prevent skin contact with chemicals, but they must be used correctly to achieve the purpose of protection.

2. Wear lab gloves when handling corrosive, *** or unknown *** substances, rough or sharp objects, very cold or hot materials, or possible *** work.

3. Gloves do not provide complete protection against all types of injuries. Without gloves, all chemicals can prevent penetration. Therefore, the choice of gloves should pay attention to the protection of gloves against various ***. Specific applications and their characteristics (i.e., thickness, penetration rate and time) to determine under what circumstances and which gloves to use.

4. Before using laboratory gloves, check for defects such as discoloration, perforation, and cracks.

5. Used gloves should be discarded, washed and reused, or reused directly depending on their contamination. When gloves are found to be damaged, they should be discarded and washed immediately. If **** and substances seep into the gloves and spread to the hands, the skin will be more heavily contaminated than without the gloves.

6. Cold gloves worn when handling cryogenic liquids (e.g., liquid nitrogen) should be very loose so that the gloves can be removed quickly if cryogenic liquids enter the gloves.

7. When wearing lab gloves to handle other things, such as answering the phone, opening the door, operating the elevator, writing test records, etc..