There are many ways to disinfect hospital wastewater, such as liquid chlorine, ozone, sodium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide and so on. But the commonly used disinfection method is: chlorination method which has the advantages of easy formulation, low price, high reliability, ozone method for hospital sewage disinfection, can effectively kill coliform bacteria, polio and other viruses. And not affected by the content of ammonia and nitrogen in the wastewater and pH Chlorination method is divided into liquid chlorine and chlorine dioxide method according to the different chlorinated.
Liquid chlorine disinfection with its disinfection capacity, cheap widely used in tap water and hospital sewage disinfection. Liquid chlorine has a high concentration of chlorine, the effective chlorine content of more than 99%, 5 to 10 times higher than sodium hypochlorite solution. However, chlorine is a yellow toxic gas with irritating odor, there must be special storage equipment and chlorination equipment. Typical chlorination equipment has artificial timed open chlorination and automatic lifting chlorination. However, relevant information research shows that liquid chlorine (Cl2) will react with ammonia to generate monochloramine, dichloramine and trichloramine and consumption of liquid chlorine, but also the formation of carcinogenic trihalomethanes (THM), coupled with the incomplete nature of the liquid chlorine, so liquid chlorine disinfection is limited.
Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) solubility in water is 5 times that of chlorine, and its oxidizing ability is about 215 times that of chlorine, which is a kind of strong oxidant. It is internationally recognized as the only efficient disinfectant in chlorine disinfection. It can kill all microorganisms, including bacterial propagules, cell spores, fungi, mycobacteria and viruses. It can effectively destroy trace organic pollutants in water, such as benzopyrene anthraquinone, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, phenol, chlorophenol, cyanide, hydrogen sulfide and organic sulfides. It can well oxidize some metal ions in water in reduced state such as Fe2+, Mn2+, Ni2+, etc. Chlorine dioxide's biggest advantage is that it reacts with humus and organic matter and almost does not produce fugitive organic halides, does not generate and inhibit the generation of trihalomethanes that have carcinogenic effects, and does not react with ammonia and amino compounds. Hospital wastewater treatment units, you can also go to the sewage treasure project service platform to consult with similar wastewater treatment experience in the enterprise. Depending on the size of ozone generation, its manufacturing cost is different. Generally speaking, ozone generators are more expensive. As the discharge of hospital sewage in the GBJ48-83 standard is clear that the sewage discharged from the hospital shall not detect enteric pathogenic bacteria and tuberculosis bacilli and total coliforms shall not be greater than 500 per liter. Or chlorination method of disinfection, the contact time and contact with the residual chlorine content in the pool of water as a standard. Plus ozone disinfection is more expensive than chlorination.
The vast majority of hospitals use chlorination to deal with hospital wastewater, in chlorination to deal with hospital wastewater, especially with liquid chlorine.