What are the common failures of reverse osmosis water treatment system?

Reverse osmosis water treatment system common failures and diagnosis

Reverse osmosis water treatment system in operation due to the complexity of the conditions of use, not enough to improve the system design, pre-treatment equipment inappropriate configuration, the choice of water treatment chemicals is not appropriate, the system of the abnormal fluctuations in the source of water as well as the operation of all kinds of problems and so on factors may lead to system failures: desalination rate, Decrease in water production, water pressure increases, the unit of water energy consumption increases. Kaiyuan Hengye use years of accumulated reverse osmosis system design, installation experience and rich operational experience, using professional technical analysis means, reverse osmosis water treatment system operation process of various types of faults for detailed analysis and diagnosis, and at the same time, through the static and dynamic simulation test to submit a solution. In the historical data analysis of the results can not match the actual failure phenomenon, the field investigation is one of the important means.

Survey items include:

1, reverse osmosis device body design reasonableness;

2, reverse osmosis pretreatment system design reasonableness;

3, run the operating procedures are perfect;

4, reverse osmosis system dosing is normal, whether or not the addition of pharmaceuticals compatible with the system, pretreatment flocculants and reverse osmosis additives (scale inhibitors, dispersants, biocides, reductants). Dispersants, biocides, reducing agents) are compatible.

5, reverse osmosis pre-filter (security filter) cartridge configuration, etc.

Reverse osmosis device operation process is the process of historical data, in the process, reverse osmosis performance changes, a variety of factors that may lead to failure of the reverse osmosis system is often expressed in the data information.

Specifically, the analysis of the following historical data:

1, reverse osmosis device influent turbidity, SDI, COD routine analysis of data changes;

2, reverse osmosis device influent pressure, pressure in the middle (is a two-stage system), concentrated water pressure, product water pressure;

3, reverse osmosis device influent conductivity, water conductivity, influent flow, product water flow and so on. Water flow rate, product water flow rate, etc.;

4, reverse osmosis pretreatment system operating parameters (including turbidity, pressure, etc.) changes;

5, usually equipment maintenance process found in the problems and means of dealing with these problems and so on.
