Sample Market Development Plan
Sample Market Development Plan for Website Category, Market Positioning and Characteristics (Consumer Groups, Consumption Styles, Consumption Habits, and Major Factors Affecting the Market Analysis of market size, market structure and segmentation, and specific audiences.
Table of Contents
Report Table of Contents
Part I Abstract (a summary of the entire plan)
(text within 2-3 pages)
I. Brief description of the program (purpose, significance, content, modus operandi)
ii. Overview of market objectives
iii. Brief description of project advantages and characteristics
iv. Brief analysis of profit sources
v. Investment and Budget
VI. Financing program (financing and investment methods)
VII. Financial Analysis (Budget and Investment Remuneration)
Part II Overview
Chapter I. Background of the Project
i. Reasons for the project
II. Environmental background of the project
iii. Analysis of project advantages (resources, technology, talents, management, etc.)
IV. Feasibility of project operation
v. Analysis of the project's uniqueness and innovation
Chapter II Project Introduction
I. Purpose of website construction
II. Positioning and overall objectives
III. Website Planning and Construction Progress
IV. Resource Integration and System Design
V. Website Structure/Columns
VI. Website Structure/Columns
VI. Introduction of Main Columns
VII. Business Model
VIII. Technical Functions
IX. Information/Resource Sources
X. Project operation
XI. Website Advantages (Resources/Content/Model/Technology/Market etc.)
XII. Intangible assets
XIII. Strategic alliances
xiv. Website Rights
xv. Overview of Revenue Sources
xvi. Economic Life of the Project
Chapter Three. Market Analysis
I. Internet Market Status and Growth
II. Market position of the business model
iii. Target Market. Setting of target market
IV. Market status of traditional industries (the basis of website market resources)
v. Market positioning and characteristics (consumer groups, consumption patterns, consumption habits and the main factors affecting the market to analyze the market size, market structure and segmentation, specific audiences, etc.
VI. Market growth (website PageView and consumer market)
VII. Market advantages of the project's products (for a specific group of people market characteristics of saving time, saving time, saving energy, saving money, etc.)
viii. Market trend forecasts and market opportunities
IX. Industry Policies
Chapter 4 Competitive Analysis
I. Presence of industry monopoly
ii. Competitors' Market Share from Market Segmentation
iii. Situation of major competitors
Chapter 5 Business Implementation Program
I. Introduction to the overall plan of business model implementation program
II. Marketing Planning
III. Marketing Promotion
iv. Selling Methods and Segments
V. Operation flow
VI. Purchasing and sales policy development
VII. Price program
VIII. Service, complaints and returns
ix. Promotion and Market Penetration (Methods and Arrangements, Budget)
1. Major Promotion Methods
2. Advertising/PR Strategies, Media Evaluation
3. Membership System, etc.
X. Profitability analysis
XI. Sales statistics and sales record method, calculation of sales cycle.
xii. Market development planning, sales targets (near-term, medium-term), sales forecast (3-5 years) sales, share and the basis for calculation
Chapter 6 Technical Feasibility Analysis
i. Platform development
II. Database
III. System Development
iv. Web Design
V. Security Technology
VI. Security Technology
VI. Content Design
VII. Technical Staff
viii. Intellectual Property Rights
Chapter 7 Project Implementation
1. Project Implementation Concept (Company Establishment, Organizational Structure and Shareholding Structure)
2. Web Site Development Progress Design and Milestones
3. Marketing Progress Design and Milestones
4. Establishment of Administration, Recruitment of Employees and Training Arrangements
5. Cost estimation for project execution
Chapter 8 Investment Description
I. Description of funding requirements (amount/duration)
ii. Plan for use of funds (i.e., purpose) and phasing
iii. Composition of project investment and classification of fixed asset investment
iv. Main liquidity composition
v. Forms of investment (loan/interest rate/interest rate payment terms/conversion - common shares, preferred shares, optional shares/corresponding price, etc.)
VI. Capital Structure
VII. Equity structure
viii. Cost of equity
IX. Description of the extent of investor involvement in the management of the company
x. Reporting (regular reports to the investor and budget for capital expenditure)
XI. Payment of miscellaneous expenses (whether to pay the handling fee of the intermediary)
Chapter 9: Investment Compensation and Exit
I. Stock Listing
II. Equity Transfer
III. Share Repurchase
IV. Dividends
Chapter 10 Risk Analysis and Avoidance
I. Policy Risks
II. Resource Risk
III. Technology Risk
iv. Market Risk
V. Internal Disconnection Risk
VI. Internal disconnection risk
VI. Cost control risk
vii. Competition risk
viii. Financial risk (accounts receivable/bad debt/loss)
ix. Management Risk (including personnel/turnover/key employee dependency)
x. Insolvency risk
Chapter 11 Management
I. Organizational structure of the company
ii. Existing human resources or management team
III. Management System and Coordination Mechanism
iv. Personnel program (staffing/recruitment/training/assessment)
V. Salary and welfare program
VI. Salary and Welfare Programs
VI. Equity allocation and share subscription plan
Chapter 12 Business Forecast
I. Website Operation
1. Growth Forecast of Visitors
2. Membership Growth Forecast
3. Industry Alliance Forecast
II. Sales Volume, Sales, Gross Margin, Growth Rate, ROI Estimates and Basis of Calculation
Chapter 13 Financial Feasibility Analysis
I. Description of Financial Analysis
II. Financial Data Projections
1. Revenue Schedule
2. Cost and Expense Schedule
3. Salary Level Schedule
4. Fixed Assets Schedule
5. Balance Sheet
6. Profit and Profit Distribution Schedule
7. Cash Flow Statement
III. Financial Analysis Indicators
Indicators Reflecting Financial Profitability
a. Payback Period (Pt)
b. Investment Profit Margin
c. Investment Profit and Tax Ratio
d. Uncertainty Analysis
i. Appendices
1. List of key management team and their resumes
2. Explanation of terminology
3. Corporate image design/promotional materials (logo design, brochures, publications, package descriptions, etc.)
II. Schedules
1. Market Audience Analysis (crowd distribution/number, etc.) Table
2. Internet Growth Status Table
3. Major Equipment List
4. Internet Market Survey Table
5. Estimate Analysis Table
6. Various Financial Statements and Financial Estimates Table