How can I bring my dog to Canada?

Veterinary quarantine is required to bring your dog and you need to declare it to Customs and ensure that such products meet the inspection standards of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

Under Canadian Customs regulations, Canada restricts the importation of the following plant products: forest products, wood packaging materials and matting, grains and field crops, horticultural commodities, insects, plants with novelty features, potatoes and seeds. Canada restricts the import of the following animal products: animal pathogens, animal products and by-products, live animals, semen, embryos, pets, and biological agents for veterinary use.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is the largest regulatory agency of the federal government in Canada and is responsible for administering all federally mandated food inspection, plant protection and animal health programs.

When bringing agricultural and fishery products, foodstuffs, plants and animals into Canada, you are required to declare them to Customs and ensure that such products meet the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's inspection standards.

Veterinary quarantine is required for all animals entering Canada.

Expanded Information:

Foreigners entering Canada may carry duty-free: antiques, personal appliances (e.g., ovens, refrigerators), books, clothing, furniture, personal hobby tools, furnishings, jewelry, silver jewelry, daily weavings, musical instruments, and silver coins collected by individuals, stamps, and other items. If you are getting married within 3 months of entering Japan, you may bring a wedding gift that you own with you. If you bring a gift with you, you will be asked to open the package when you enter the country.

Canadian regulations allow foreigners to enter Canada duty-free on the following: gifts (excluding alcohol and tobacco) with a value of up to $60 per item; 1.5 liters of wine or 1.14 liters of liquor or 8.5 liters of beer in cans or bottles (if the person enters Canada at the age of legal drinking age); 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars and 200 grams of finished tobacco products (special taxes may apply). manufactured goods (special taxes may apply).

Foreigners entering Canada with the above duty-free personal effects are required to complete a customs declaration.

Canada prohibits or restricts the importation of the following products: pornography, counterfeit currency, assault weapons, nail hammers, pepper spray weapons, merchandise with false geographical indications of origin, used motor vehicles and mattresses, health care products (prescription medications), and related food products, plants and animals.

Storing pornographic images, videos and other information of minors on electronic devices such as cell phones and computers that are brought into the country with you will be a violation of the Criminal Code of Canada and may result in a prison sentence.

Chinese Consular Services - Canada Entry and Residence