What about the surrounding facilities of Weihai Garden New Village Community?

Address of Huayuan New Village Community: No.42, Huayuan Middle Road, Huancui District.

The transportation supporting resources within the surrounding straight line 1KM are (Garden Club, Miaodang, Chaoyang Community, Chaoyang Community South, Changzheng Primary School North (Luan Tuina), Northwest Mountain Village, Senior University, Experimental No.2 Primary School, Changzheng Primary School and Chenjiahuagou).

Educational resources within 2km 10 (Wei Bao Education, Brilliant Hosting Performance, Tian Yue Instrumental Music Training Center, Yongxing Education, Weifang Education, Xinruisi Education (Tang Miao Road), Weihai University for the Aged, Maker Space Education, Shanxiang Education, Quanheng Taekwondo Boxing Comprehensive Quality Education).

There are 9 medical resources around 2KM, including Whale Garden Community Health Service Center 187m, Weihai Anorectal Hospital/0/3/kloc-486m, Weihai Zhong Da Hospital/490m, Weihai Eye, Otolaryngology Hospital/569m, Weihai Maternal and Child Health Hospital/0/5m and Weihai Municipal Hospital13. The 970th Hospital of China People's Liberation Army is 1755 meters away from the community, the Fourth Central Hospital of China People's Liberation Army-Surgery Building is 1766 meters away from the community, and the South Hospital of Weihai Municipal Hospital is 1947 meters away from the community, which provides a guarantee for medical needs.

The commercial facilities around Garden New Village are: (Colorful Xuanyi, Old Wine Shop, Liu Mengjie Co., Ltd., Beihai Longgong Aquarium, Wenqing Supermarket (Garden Middle Road Store), Wenyu Supermarket, Jiajiayue (Garden South Road Store), Jiajiayue (Wolong Mountain Store), Jiajiayue (Unify Road Store), Tiantianle Supermarket) and so on.

Click to view more: details of Garden New Village Community