I. Single Choice Questions
1. Of the following options, the one that does not belong to the revenues accounted for in general budget accounting is ( ).
A.Fund Budget Revenue
B.Fiscal Subsidy Revenue
C.Subsidy Revenue
D.Fiscal Working Capital
Answer B
Analyzing the revenues accounted for in the general budget accounting include general budget revenues, fund budget revenues, earmarked fund revenues, subsidy revenues, revenue from diversion, transferring in of funds, fiscal working capital and so on The following is a summary of the revenues of the general budget. Financial subsidy income belongs to the income of the institution.
2. The following expenditure methods do not belong to the general budget expenditure methods ( ).
A. Fiscal Direct Payment
B. Fiscal Authorized Payment
C. Fiscal Actual Funds
D. Upward Expenditure
Answer D
Analytical Option D, Upward Expenditure is the content of the general budgetary expenditures, not the way.
3. Fixed assets to foreign investment, according to the value of the contract agreement, debit the "foreign investment" account, the credit accounting account is ( ).
A. "Fixed Assets"
B. "Fixed Funds"
C. "Investment Funds"
C. "Investment Funds"
C. "Investment Funds"
C. "Investment Funds"
C. "Investment Funds"
D. "Utility Fund - General Fund"
Answer C
AnalysisInvestment in fixed assets. According to the value determined by the contract agreement, debit the account of "foreign investment" and credit the account of "business fund--investment fund"; at the same time, according to the book value of the transferred fixed assets, debit the account of "fixed fund". At the same time, according to the book value of the transferred fixed assets, debit the "Fixed Fund" account and credit the "Fixed Assets" account.
4. The interest income from the investment in bonds should be credited to ( ).
A. "Business Fund" account
B. "Business Income" account
C. "Operating Income" account
5. The unallocated balance of the year should be transferred to ( ).
A.Special Fund - Employee Welfare Fund
B.Special Fund - Medical Fund
C.Business Fund - Investment -The unappropriated balance is transferred to the "General Fund".
6. After the implementation of the centralized payment of the treasury, for the financial authorization of the payment of expenditure, institutions in the debit "business expenditure" and other subjects at the same time, should be credited to ( ) account.
A. Cash
B. Bank deposits
C. Financial subsidy income
D. Zero-balance account credit
Answer D
Analytical financial authorization to pay the way, should be credited to the "zero balance account credit" account. In the case of direct payment, the credit should be to the account of "Income from Financial Assistance".
7. A business unit in the current year to achieve business balance of 6 million yuan, the operating balance of 9 million yuan. Assuming that the unit's operating balance should be subject to income tax at a rate of 25%, according to the current year's business balance and operating balance of 10% of the welfare fund. The unallocated balance carried forward to the "Business Fund - General Fund" account is ( ) million.
Answer D
Answer D
Unallocated balances carried forward to the account of "Utility Fund - General Fund". "Unallocated Balance = (600 + 900) - 900 × 25% - (600 + 900) × 10% = 11.25 (million) yuan.
8. The following treatments are incorrect ( ).
A. In order to correctly account for the donation business, private non-profit organizations should distinguish between donations and promises to donate
B. Promises to donate do not satisfy the conditions for recognition of revenue from non-exchange transactions
C. Private non-profit organizations for promises to donate to recognize revenue at the time of the promise
D. If the donor sets time restrictions on the use of donated assets D. If the donor places a time restriction on the use of the donated asset or a use restriction on the donated asset, the related donation revenue recognized is restricted donation revenue
Answer C
Analysis Option C, a private nonprofit organization should not recognize revenue for a donation commitment.
9. At the beginning of 2010, a private non-profit organization had a balance of 2 million yuan in the account "Restricted Net Assets", and at the end of 2010, the credit balance of the relevant account was as follows: "Endowment Income - Restricted Income" 8 million yuan. Restricted income" 8 million yuan, "government grants - restricted income" 1.5 million yuan, without taking other factors into account, at the end of 2010, the private non-profit organizations accumulated restricted net assets of ( ) million yuan.
Answer A
Analyse Restricted Net Assets Accumed by Private Nonprofit Organizations over the Years = 200 + (800 + 1.5) = 11.5 million yuan.
10. an intelligence information research society for private non-profit organizations, according to the provisions of the annual membership fee of 90 yuan and unlimited purpose, January 10, 2010 actually received 90,000 yuan of the current year's dues, assuming that the monthly recognition of income. In 2010, the Institute of the relevant treatment, the incorrect is ( ).
A. When the current year's dues are actually received on January 10, 2010, debit 90,000 yuan to "Bank Deposits" and credit 90,000 yuan to "Accounts Received in Advance"
B. When dues revenue is recognized at the end of January 2010, debit 90,000 yuan to "Accounts Received in Advance". Debit "Accounts Received in Advance" account 0.75 million yuan, credit "Dues Revenue - Unrestricted Revenue" account 0.75 million yuan
C. At the end of 2010, the following account is recognized Debit "Contribution Revenue - Restricted Revenue" account for $90,000 and credit "Restricted Net Assets" account for $90,000
D.At the end of 2010, debit "D. At the end of 2010, debit $90,000 to "Dues Revenue - Unrestricted Revenue" and credit $90,000 to "Unrestricted Net Assets. 11.In June 2009, a private hospital sells medicines for 300,000 yuan, the cost of medicines is 250,000 yuan, the price has been deposited in the bank, without considering the value-added tax factor. The incorrect accounting method is ( ).
A. Debit "bank deposits" account, credit "sales revenue" account 300,000 yuan
B. At the end of the period, the "cost of business activities" account B. At the end of the period, the balance of the "Cost of business activities" account is transferred to the "Restricted net assets" account
C. The "Cost of business activities" account is debited and the "Inventory" account is credited with 250,000 yuan
D. D. At the end of the period, the balance of "cost of business activities" is transferred to "unrestricted net assets"
Answer B
Answer B
Generally speaking, revenues from the sale of goods by private nonprofit organizations (e.g., publications, medicines) are unrestricted revenues, unless the provider of the assets in question provides the goods or services to the organization. restricted income, unless the provider of the relevant asset places restrictions on the use of the asset
II.Multiple Choice Questions
1.Of the following, the following are elements of budgetary accounting ( ).
A. Assets
B. Liabilities
C. Net Assets
D. Revenues and Expenses
Answer ABCD
2. The following statements about budgetary accounting are correct ( ).
A. The general budget accounting account is the basis of accounting for the general budget accounting
B. Extra-budgetary funds of the treasury to implement the two lines of management of revenues and expenditures
C. The balance of the budgetary accounting equation for the assets + expenses = liabilities + net assets + revenues, or assets = liabilities + net assets
D. China's financial accounting for the general budget accounting to the accrual basis of accounting
Answers ABCD
2. basis
Answer ABC
Answer D. China's general budget accounting is based on the cash basis of accounting, not on the accrual basis.
3.The following statements about accounting for private nonprofit organizations are correct ( ).
A. The basic assumptions of accounting for private non-profit organizations include the accounting entity, going concern, accounting period and monetary measurement
B. The accounting for private non-profit organizations is based on the cash basis of accounting
C. The objective of accounting for private non-profit organizations is to satisfy the information needs of the users of accounting information
D. Accounting statements for private non-profit organizations include a balance sheet, a statement of operations, and a statement of cash flows, as well as notes to the accounting statements and a statement of financial position
Answer ACD
Answer Option B. Civilian nonprofit organizations account on an accrual basis.
4. The Treasury Single Account System consists of the following ( ) bank accounts.
A. Treasury Single Account
B. Zero Balance Account for Financial Departments
C. Zero Balance Account for Budgetary Units
D. Extra-Budgetary Funds Account
Answer ABCD
Analyze the Treasury Single Account System consists of the following bank accounts: the Treasury Single Account, the zero-balance account for the Financial Departments, zero balance account for budgetary units, and extra-budgetary funds account. balance account, extra-budgetary fund special account, and ad hoc special account.
5. The following statements about the recognition and measurement of financial subsidy income of institutions are correct ( ).
A. Institutions of financial subsidy income from financial direct payment, financial authorization to pay and financial funds allocated in three ways
B. Financial direct payment, institutions in the actual use of the financial funds at the same time and then recognize the financial subsidy income
C. In the financial authorization to pay the amount of funds received by the institution can be used for settlement and payment
D. Under the method of actual financial allocation of funds, the utility unit receives monetary funds and opens an account with a commercial bank for the actual deposit of funds
Answer ABCD
6. After the year-end closure of the accounts of the utility unit, the following accounting accounts should be transferred to the utility unit balance, with no balance at the end of the period ( ).
A. Financial subsidy income
B. Utility income
C. Operating balance
D. Other income
Answer ABD
Analyzing option C, at the end of the year, the operating balance should normally be transferred to the distribution of balances, but not if it is a loss. The closing balances of the other options should be transferred to either "Utility Balance" or "Operating Balance", and there is no balance after the carryover.
7. On October 6, 2009, a foundation received a cash donation of 1 million yuan from Company A. Company A asked the foundation to use 900,000 yuan to support college students in 2010, and the remaining 100,000 yuan was used for the foundation's day-to-day management. 2010, the foundation used 1 million yuan of Company A's donation to form a fund, of which 100,000 yuan was used to pay for day-to-day management expenses and 900,000 yuan was used to support college students. In 2010, the foundation used 1 million yuan of the fund formed by Company A's donation, of which 100,000 yuan was used to pay daily management expenses and 900,000 yuan was used to subsidize poor college students. The correct accounting treatment of the foundation is ( ).
A. On October 6, 2009, the Foundation received a cash donation from Company A, and credited 1 million yuan of "donation income - restricted income"
B. On December 31, 2009, the Foundation transferred the donation income to unrestricted net assets
B. On December 31, 2009, the Foundation transferred the donation income to unrestricted net assets
B. On December 31, 2009, the Foundation transferred the donation income to unrestricted net assets. C. At the time of the 2010 donation, debit "Administrative expenses" $100,000 and "Cost of operating activities" $900,000
D. At the time of the 2010 reclassification, debit "Restricted net assets" $1,000,000
D. At the time of the 2010 reclassification, debit " Restricted Net Assets" of $1,000,000 and "Unrestricted Net Assets" of $1,000,000
Answer ACD
Option B is incorrect, and the income from the endowment should be reclassified as restricted net assets. The relevant accounting entries are as follows:
On October 6, 2009, Company A received a cash donation
Borrow: Bank Deposit 100
Loan: Donation Income - Restricted Income 100
On December 31, 2009, the donation income will be converted to restricted net assets.
Borrow: donation income - restricted income 100
Loan: restricted net assets 100
Accounting entries for the use of Company A's donation and reclassification in 2010
Borrow: administrative expenses 10
Costs of business activities 90
Credit: Bank Deposit 100
Borrow: Restricted Net Assets 100
Credit: Unrestricted Net Assets 100
8. A private research institute on June 30, 2009 to accept the donation of an institution of a piece of equipment valued at 5 million yuan, the institution asked the Institute to use the equipment for the research and development of a project, the period of one year, one year after the use of unlimited The organization requested the Institute to use the equipment for research and development of a project for a period of one year, and the use of the equipment after one year is not limited. The equipment is expected to have a useful life of 5 years and is depreciated using the straight-line method (assuming the depreciation amount is included in the cost of business activities), without regard to the net salvage value. The following statements are correct ( ).
A. Depreciation of $500,000 in 2009
B. Transfer of $500,000 from "Donation Revenue - Restricted Revenue" to "Donation Revenue --Unrestricted Income"
C. At the end of 2009, transfer "Donation Income - Restricted Income" account 4.5 million yuan to "Donation Income" account. C. At the end of 2009, transfer $4.5 million to "Restricted Assets"
D. At the end of 2009, transfer $0.5 million from "Endowment Income - Unrestricted Income" to "Unrestricted Assets". "Unrestricted Assets"
Answer ABCD
The relevant accounting entries are as follows:
June 30, 2009
Borrow: Fixed Assets 500
Credit: Donation Income - Restricted Income 500
Credit: Donation Income - Restricted Income 500
Donation Income - Restricted Income 500
Donation Income - Restricted Income -restricted income 500
December 31, 2009
Borrow: cost of business activities 50 (500/5 x 1/2)
Loan: Accumulated depreciation 50
Borrow: donation income - restricted income 50 p>
Credit: Endowment Income - Unrestricted Income 50
Borrow: Endowment Income - Restricted Income 450
Credit: Restricted Net Assets 450
Borrow. -Unrestricted Revenue 50
Loan: Unrestricted Net Assets 50
Borrow: Unrestricted Net Assets 50
Loan: Cost of Operating Activities 50
C. Judgment Questions
1. Fiscal Direct Payment and Fiscal Authorization of Payment are the centralized payment methods adopted after the centralization reform of the state treasury. After the centralized treasury payment method, the actual allocation of funds is the traditional way of financial funds disbursement. ( )
The answer is right
2. The accounting statement of an institution is relatively simple, mainly consisting of a balance sheet and an income and expenditure statement. ( )
Answer Right
3. The accounting elements of a private nonprofit organization are divided into six major accounting elements: assets, liabilities, net assets, revenues, expenses, and costs. ( )
Answer Wrong
AnswerThe accounting elements of a private nonprofit organization do not include the element of expenses.
4. All unallocated balances realized by an institution during the year should be transferred to a special fund. ( )
Wrong answer
Analyze the unallocated balance realized by the institution in the current year should be fully transferred to the account of "enterprise fund - general fund".
5. The business income of an organization refers to the income derived from non-independent business activities other than professional business activities and their auxiliary activities. ( )
Answer Wrong
Analyze Business income is the income earned by an institution from carrying out its professional business activities and its auxiliary activities.
6. The Treasury Single Account is used in general budgetary accounting and is required in all institutional accounting. ( )
Answer Wrong
AnalysisThe Treasury Single Account is used in general budgetary accounting, and the account is not set up in business unit accounting.
7. The net loss on disposal of intangible assets incurred by a private non-profit organization should be debited to "other income".
Wrong answer
Analysis of the net loss on disposal of intangible assets incurred by private non-profit organizations, in accordance with the actual price, debit the "bank deposits" and other accounts, according to the book balance of the intangible asset, credit the "intangible assets" account, according to the difference between the "intangible assets" and "other income" account.
8. If the restriction of restricted government subsidy income can be lifted in the period when the income is recognized, it should be transferred to unrestricted government subsidy income, and debit the account of "government subsidy income--restricted income", and credit the account of "government subsidy income--restricted income". "Government subsidy income - unrestricted income". ( )
The answer is correct
9. The net assets of a private non-profit organization are the difference between its assets and liabilities, and are classified as restricted or unrestricted according to whether they are restricted or not. ( )
Answer Right
10.For donations of labor accepted by a private non-profit organization, revenue should be recognized when received. ( )
Answer Wrong
Answer Revenue should not be recognized for donations of labor accepted by private non-profit organizations, but relevant disclosures should be made in the notes to the accounting statements.
Fourth, the calculation and analysis questions
1. A unit for the financial institutions fully funded institutions (hereinafter referred to as Unit A), since 2008, the implementation of centralized treasury payment and government procurement system. With the approval of the financial department, Unit A's salary expenditure, procurement expenditure of goods and services over 100,000 yuan is implemented in the form of direct financial payment, and procurement expenditure of goods and services under 100,000 yuan and daily sporadic expenditures are implemented in the form of financial authorization for payment.
Unit A's centralized payment and government procurement matters in December are as follows (assuming that unit A does not pay taxes and other matters):
(1) On the 2nd, unit A receives the "Notice of Arrival of Financial Authorization for Payment" from the agent bank, which states that the authorization for this month is 1.5 million yuan. million yuan.
(2) on the 4th, unit A received from the financial treasury payment executive agency commissioned by the agent bank forwarded the "financial direct payment of the notice of entry" and "payroll details", the notice and the details of the amount of salary expenditure of 1.6 million yuan, the agent bank has been 1.6 million yuan of the amount of salary payment. The agent bank has transferred 1.6 million yuan to the personal accounts of the employees in Unit A.
(3) On the 6th, Unit A signed a purchase contract with Supplier A in accordance with the prescribed government procurement procedures for the purchase of a piece of equipment with a contract amount of 1.1 million yuan. The contract stipulates that the purchased equipment will be delivered by Supplier A within 5 days, and the price of the equipment will be paid directly by Unit A to the Treasury after delivery and inspection.
(4) On the 9th, unit A received the purchased equipment and the purchase invoice, the purchase invoice stated the amount of 1.1 million yuan. A unit in the inspection of goods, on the same day to the financial treasury payment executive agency submitted a "financial direct payment application" to the financial application for payment to the A supplier, but that day has not yet received a "direct payment of financial notification".
(5) on the 11th, unit A received the agent bank transfer for payment of supplier A payment of goods "financial direct payment notice", the notice of the amount of 1.1 million yuan.
(6) on the 14th, unit A withdrew 60,000 yuan from the zero balance account.
(7) On the 20th, Unit A enters into a purchase contract with Supplier B for the purchase of 10 office computers for $90,000 in accordance with prescribed government procurement procedures. The contract agreed that the purchase of computers by the B supplier on the 22nd of this month, the payment of goods by the A unit in the inspection of goods to the agent of the bank to issue a payment order. 22nd, the A unit received the purchase of computers, but the purchase invoice has not yet been received. Unit A, after inspection, issued a payment order to the correspondent bank, notify the correspondent bank to pay supplier B. 24, unit A received the purchase invoice from supplier B, the amount of 90,000 yuan stated in the invoice.
Make the accounting treatment related to the above business.
(1) Debit: Zero Balance Account Usage 150
Credit: Financial Aid Income 150
(2) Debit: Business Expenditure 160
Credit: Financial Aid Income 160
(3) Do not do the accounting treatment.
(4) Debit: Fixed Assets 110
Loan: Accounts Payable 110
(5) Debit: Business Expenditures 110
Loan: Financial Aid Income 110
Debit: Accounts Payable 110
Loan: Fixed Funds 110
(6) Debit: Cash 6
Loan: Zero Balance Account Usage 6
(7) Debit: Business Expenses 9
Loan: Zero Balance Account Usage 9
Borrow: Fixed Assets 9
Loan: Fixed Funds 9
2. A disability foundation had the following economic operations in 2010:
(1) On August 24, it signed a donation agreement with Company A The agreement stipulates that Company A donates 25 million yuan to the foundation, of which 20 million yuan will be used to subsidize the treatment of disabled persons and 5 million yuan will be used for the publicity and management of this donation activity, and the money will be remitted to the bank account of the foundation within 10 days after the signing of the agreement. According to this agreement, on September 2, the foundation received the donation of 25 million yuan, which was deposited in the bank. on September 4, the foundation used 20 million yuan to fund the treatment of disabled people, and 150,000 yuan for the publicity and management of the donation. on September 14, the foundation and Company A signed a supplemental agreement, which stipulated that 500,000 yuan of the balance of the donation was to be used by the foundation at its own discretion. At the end of the year, this balance was not spent. To the end of the year this balance has not been spent.
(2) On October 30, 2010, the Women's Committee paid 500,000 yuan to the Disability Foundation and transferred it to the Foundation's bank account, which was specifically used for payments related to influenza vaccination for people with disabilities in a certain city. As of December 31, 2010, the foundation *** incurred $150,000 in related expenses.
(3) Inventory of $3,275,000 was purchased, the payment was made by bank deposit transfer, and the goods were placed in storage.
(4) On January 31, 2010, the Foundation accepted a donation of a property valued at RMB 18 million from an enterprise, which was requested by the donor to be used as a teaching building for a training school belonging to the Foundation, and not to be sold or appropriated for other purposes. The estimated useful life of the property is 10 years, and it is depreciated using the straight-line method without regard to net salvage value. It is assumed that no other factors are taken into account.
(1) Prepare the entries related to income expenses;
(2) Calculate the amounts of restricted net assets and unrestricted net assets for 2010, regardless of the effect of the opening balances, and prepare the related entries.
(1) (1) (1) On August 24, 2010, the conditions for recognition of donation revenue are not met and no accounting treatment is required.
September 2, 2010, according to the amount of donations received, recognition of donation revenue.
Borrow: bank deposits 2500
Loan: donation revenue - restricted revenue 2500
September 4:
Borrow: cost of business activities 2015
Loan: bank deposits 2015
Borrow: donation revenue -- Restricted Revenue 2015
Loan: Endowment Revenue - Unrestricted Revenue 2015
September 14:
Debit: Endowment Revenue - -restricted income 50
Loan: donation income - unrestricted income 50
② Accounting related to government grants
Borrow: bank deposits 50
Loan: government grants income- -restricted income 50
Borrow: cost of business activities 15
Credit: bank deposits 15
Borrow: government subsidy income - restricted income 15
Credit: government subsidy income - -Unrestricted Revenue15
③ Accounting for Purchased Inventory
Borrow: Inventory 327.5
Loan: Bank Deposit 327.5
Borrow: Fixed Assets 1800
Loan: Endowment Revenue- -restricted income 1800
Borrow: Administrative expenses 165
Credit: Accumulated depreciation 165
Borrow: Endowment income -restricted income 165
Credit: Endowment income - -Unrestricted Revenue 165
(2) Restricted Net Assets = 2500 - 2015 - 50 + 50 - 15 + 1800 - 165 = 21.05 (million dollars)
Unrestricted net assets = 2015 + 50 + 15 + 165 - 2015 - 15 - 165 = 500 (million dollars)
Borrow: endowment income - restricted income 2070 (2500) -2015-50 + 1800-165)
Government Grant Revenue - Restricted Revenue 35 (50-15)
Credit: Restricted Net Assets 2105
Borrow: Endowment Revenue - Unrestricted Revenue 2230 (2015 + 50 + 165)
Government Grant Revenue - Unrestricted Revenue 15
Credit: Operating Cost of activities 2030 (2015 + 15)
Administrative expenses 165
Unrestricted net assets 50