Psychological stress is an individual in the process of adaptation to life in a state of physical and mental tension, from the environmental requirements and their ability to cope with the imbalance, in short, is the achievement of not able to satisfy our desires and requirements for their own cognitive dissonance caused by the stress. Studies have shown that excessive stress not only affects mental health, but also weakens the body's immune system, which can lead to muscle disease. So how do we vent our negative emotions at work and in life, relieve stress, improve our misperceptions, face up to the frustrations and failures of life, and become better at what we do?
1. Emotional venting
When we encounter frustration in life, we will naturally want to emotional venting, sometimes want to shout out in no one's place, and sometimes go to the gym to play sandbags, boxing, or will want to run in the playground, until sweaty, exhausted. ...... At such times it is actually good to indulge our bodies, put down part of our reasoning, follow our own feelings, and vent out all the repression and ill will. But when venting, note that we must choose a safe way to ensure the safety of themselves and others, for example, we can use the professional psychological venting room in the venting equipment to assist in a variety of ways of emotional venting. The Beijing Normal University experts selected a variety of emotional catharsis equipment, according to different emotional catharsis room construction requirements configured into a variety of different levels of catharsis set, can fully meet the different needs of different groups of people different catharsis.
2. Changing cognition
When we deal with our own stress, we often only pay attention to venting negative mental energy, and often neglect positive mental construction. After we cry, run wild, scream, often feel empty, powerless, everything is actually still the same as before, nothing has changed, this time need someone to tell us, we are lovely, we are capable, frustration and stress will not break us, need someone to save us from the wrong perception of themselves and their surroundings, instead of being alone with repeated thoughts, repression, and Turning stress into our own barriers. We can talk to our close friends, or we can find a counselor to reshape our misconceptions, or we can vent our stress with the help of professional emotional venting equipment and venting devices in a psychological venting room. The intelligent feedback cathartic instrument designed by Mr. Chen Bowei, a special expert of the Chinese Medical and Psychological Workers Association, is a new type of intelligent, self-help emotional cathartic equipment with the theme of "shouting" and "hitting", which not only allows you to choose the cathartic theme that suits your emotional state for catharsis, but also allows you to choose the cathartic theme that suits your emotional state for catharsis. The newest and most popular feedback cathartic device is the new intelligent, self-help emotional cathartic device with the theme of "shouting" and "hitting", which not only allows you to choose the cathartic theme that suits your emotional state for catharsis, but also improves your ability to regulate your emotions and manage them under the guidance of positive guidance.
3. Relaxation training
Besides venting, what else can we do when we face pressure? We can learn some relaxation techniques to reduce our sense of stress, the simplest is in the face of sudden pressure, do not know what to do when, close your eyes and breathe y, slowly inhale, stay for a period of time, and then slowly exhale, repeat three times, can effectively alleviate the pressure stress on the physical and psychological impact. If you have enough time to close your eyes, deep breathing training, and then imagine some let us feel relaxed and calm scenes, such as forests, lakeside, wheat fields, the sea, etc., as far as possible, try to image vividly imagine, eliminate distractions, as if the whole scene in front of you. If you often face a lot of pressure, you can learn meditation, yoga, hypnosis and other relaxation techniques in your normal life, so that your body can quickly reach a deep state of relaxation, which is not only conducive to the normal life of the pressure to cope with, but also for better emotional management. Relaxation training can not only be carried out at home, but also to the psychological venting room, with the aid of professional emotional venting equipment for relaxation training. The third-generation intelligent feedback emotional catharsis system developed by Jingshi Boren can not only catharsis by hitting and shouting, there is also intelligent emotional guidance, through the changes in the picture to bring a strong visual effect, mobilize the enthusiasm of the cathartic, but also contains a wealth of guided relaxation audio, such as contemplation and meditation, imagery relaxation, etc., and at the same time, guide the user to adjust the rhythm of the breath, to carry out a variety of professional emotional relaxation training, to make the emotions to calm down quickly.
Learn to regulate stress, correctly view, face stress is to achieve the basis of physical and mental health, in the face of a large number of stress when the appropriate relaxation, to give themselves a small vacation, are a good way to solve the pressure to bring us discomfort. But in order to really solve the stressful events, we have to face the stressor, to solve the stressful events or improve their own misperceptions to harvest the sense of value, to improve their mental health, to enhance the ability to manage their emotions, with the help of the psychological venting room of professional emotional venting equipment, venting equipment is a very good choice, the reasonable emotional venting will make you become a better version of yourself.
Personally, I think it can play a certain role in venting and reducing stress.
Because today's society, many people are faced with such and such pressure in life, such as from work, life, children's education, children get along, parents, and so on, sometimes can only endure in silence, especially when no one to talk about, if there is no reasonable way to vent, will be on my body has damage, the state of the work of the damage, the damage to the family harmony, and so on, the development of the future will only deteriorate. It will only get worse, so the venting room allows people to vent their emotions can not be freely outside the release, pressure to transform, this breath must be through, through not blocked, after venting to regain confidence and responsibility, and bravely set off again, so I feel that the venting room can play a role in some of the venting.
Personally, I don't think the effect is very good!
Can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, if conditions allow you to find a professional counselor!
When we encounter frustration in life, it is natural to want to emotional venting, sometimes want to shout in no one's place, sometimes go to the gym sandbagging, boxing, or will want to run in the playground until sweaty, exhausted ...... this time in fact, may wish to Indulge our body, put down part of the rationale, follow their own feelings, vent out all the repression and less than ideal. But when venting, note that we must choose a safe way to ensure the safety of themselves and others, such as we can use the professional psychological venting room in the venting equipment to assist in a variety of ways to vent their emotions. Jing Shi Bo Ren according to the Beijing Normal University expert guidance selected a variety of emotional catharsis equipment, according to different emotional catharsis room construction requirements configured into different levels of a variety of catharsis sets, can fully meet the different catharsis needs of different groups of people.