The technical indicators of the testing equipment between the two calibrations are verified during the verification to maintain the credibility of the calibration status of the equipment to ensure that the test results are accurate and reliable.
2, the scope of application
The center's main or important testing equipment, field testing equipment during the verification.
3, responsibilities
3.1 The person in charge of quality is responsible for the preparation of the annual period verification program.
3.2 The person in charge of the project to implement the specific period of verification, the person in charge of the testing room is responsible for the verification results to confirm.
3.3 Quality Supervisor is responsible for supervising the completion of the period verification program.
4, the period of verification timing
The period of verification of the instrument time interval is generally in the instrument verification or calibration cycle for 1 to 2 times the appropriate verification, when the following circumstances should be considered for the implementation of the period of verification.
4.1 due to changes in the use of environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity changes are large, it is possible to affect the accuracy of the instrument;
4.2 in the detection process, found that the suspicious data, the instrumentation to raise doubts;
4.3 encountered important testing, such as the occurrence of a major water pollution incidents or commissioned by the user of the results of the test when there is a dispute.
5, during the verification method
5.1 verification of the use of certified standard substances, standard substances include a variety of standard samples, such as pH meters, conductivity meters, etc. using the value of the solution for verification. The use of standard substances for verification should be noted that the value of the standard substances used can be traced, and effective.
5.2 the use of equipment attached to the instrument verification, instrument with automatic calibration system can be used to verify. Such as electronic balance comes with standard working weights can be automatically calibrated.
5.3 comparison between instruments and equipment, the laboratory has more than one of the same or similar instruments and equipment, can be compared with another instrument and equipment of the same or higher precision.
5.4 the use of different detection methods for comparison, such as dissolved oxygen meter using iodine method for comparison.
5.5 on the retained sample value re-measurement, as long as the retained sample performance is stable, can be used as a verification standard for the verification period. For example, the use of specific samples for radioactive detection instruments without calibration sources.
5.6 Detection of standard methods, technical provisions of the relevant requirements and methods, can be directly used as a method of verification during.
5.7 During the verification can refer to the instrument and equipment calibration regulations operation, using the part of which needs to be verified. If there is no verification procedure for such instruments and equipment, the verification procedure for similar instruments and equipment can also be referred to.
5.8 Instrument and equipment instruction manuals and product standards or methods provided by the supplier.
5.9 For instruments and equipment for which there is no source of methods, the implementation rules for periodical verification can be prepared. The method content of the implementation details can also be combined in the instrument and equipment operating procedures. The implementation details shall include the following:
5.9.1 Name of the instrument under verification, measurement range and name of the main technical parameters;
5.9.2 Name of the verification standard substance involved in the verification method adopted, measurement range;
5.9.3 Description of the period verification method adopted and the verification measurement process;
5.9.4 Requirements for recording of verification data, and methods for determining verification results.
6, period verification records
Period verification should be recorded, according to the content of the period verification can be used in different ways of recording:
6.1 Verification records in the original records of the test: for each test to be carried out in the period of the verification, the record is simple.
6.2 Verification records on the instrument and equipment maintenance records: suitable for more frequent period verification, the record is simpler, such as the balance of the calibration verification.
6.3 The use of specialized verification records, for the more complex period verification, the corresponding record form can be prepared.
7, during the verification results of the determination
Laboratory instrumentation during the verification of conclusions based on the standard method requirements, technical regulations requirements, calibration procedures and verification of the implementation of the rules, etc., the verification results of the determination. If the implementation of the verification process during the verification, found that the technical status of the verified testing equipment is abnormal, should be analyzed, find the reason, can be replaced by the verification method, if necessary, should be in advance for verification or calibration.
8, related documents
8.1 Instrumentation management program ZW-LM-P-24
9, related records
9.1 Instrumentation during the verification of records ZW-LM-W-24-11