The Complete List of Group Words for Jin (about 50) Explanation of the word Jin_What does Jin mean?

Pinyin of 进 What does 进 mean

1. The pinyin of the character 进 is jìn ; 2. Explanations of the character 进:(1)(Movement) to move forward (as opposed to 'retreat'): 推~|leap||jun|jun|step|step|more|layer. (2) (Motion) From outside to inside (as opposed to 'out'): ~in|~door|~house to|~factory as an apprentice. (3) (verb) income: ~money|~goods. (4) (verb) to present: ~consecrate|~incense. (5) (used after a verb; to indicate to go inside: go ~ meeting place | put the clothes in the ~ box. (6) (Measure) A bungalow that is divided into front and back rows within a house; a row is called a jin.

Selected part of the words into the group of words in sentences and the pinyin of the words and detailed explanations:

1, into the footage of sentences: analyzed the drilling pressure, footage per revolution, the cutting teeth wear and lithology of the impact on the torque of the PDC drill bit, and the principle of force balance and conservation of energy deduced the relationship between the torque of the PDC drill bit and the relationship between these factors equation.

Explanation: the progress of mining, drilling, etc.: Monthly ~ of the digging face | Yearly ~ of the drilling rig drilling.

2. progress sentence: If they utilize all the resources available to them and are still behind schedule, then they will resort to reducing the list of features of the project while still optimizing the value to the customer.

Explanation: (1) the speed at which work is carried out: the ~ of the project has been greatly accelerated. (2) A plan that includes the speed with which each item in the overall work is carried out: production is scheduled according to the ~ table.

3, jinshi sentence: since ancient times, there is a good tradition of reverence for literature and morality, respect for teachers, only the Ming and Qing dynasties, there are 20 jinshi, civil and military lifts 115 people, tribute to 396 people.

Explanation: the era of imperial examinations, called the temple examination.

4, carry out the sentence: in a machine using several kinds of tools to carry out several machine operations in passing or at the same time, will save a lot of processing time.

Explanation: (1) to engage in (some kind of activity): ~ discussing | ~ work | ~ education and criticism | to bring the revolution ~ to the end | the meeting is being ~. Note: 'Carry on' is always used for ongoing and formal, serious behavior; transient and everyday behavior is not used 'carry on', for example, instead of saying 'carry on napping', 'carry on shouting', 'carry on shouting', 'carry on shouting', 'carry on shouting', 'carry on shouting', and 'carry on shouting'. 'carry on shouting'. (2) Advance; ~curve.

5.进位造句: Static analysis tools review the source code and binary of an application, figuring out how the application works and the mathematical model that builds that behavior.

Explanation: Each digit in addition is equal to the base number when the previous digit is rounded up to the nearest digit, for example, in a decimal algorithm, the individual digits are filled with ten and one is added to the tens place, and the hundreds place is filled with ten and one is added to the thousands place.

6. Tribute sentence: In 1537, the Ming army launched a large-scale expedition against Vietnam, which began when Vietnam stopped paying tribute to the Ming, but after three years of indecision, the emperor finally gave up on the idea.

Explanation: The presentation of gifts by a Pan vassal to the suzerain state or by a subject to the monarch in feudal times.

7, binary sentence: They can contain information in binary, string, or XML format (encoded), but it is up to the user of the service and the provider to agree on the format to be used and to process it accordingly.

Explanation: A method of keeping track of numbers that uses only two digits, 0 and 1, to represent a number, such as 2 in decimal, which is represented as 10 in binary, and 5 in decimal, which is represented as 101 in binary. binary is widely used in computing with electronic computers.

8, digging into the sentence: Thanks to the new detection system, as well as the use of strain gauges to flexibly monitor tunnel pressures, the tunnel boring machine is able to dig quickly, with stops and restarts rare.

Explanation: In mining and other engineering, the excavation of an underground tunnel, including drilling, blasting, ventilating, removing debris, and installing tunnel pillars.

9, recursive sentence: a new recursive mesh construction algorithm based on half folding and a multi-detail hierarchical model generation method that introduces a subdivision algorithm are proposed, and a set of examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the algorithm.

Explanation:(1) One pushes further than the other. (2) Also called cascading. One of the rhetorical patterns. That is, the rhetoric is arranged in order from shallow to deep, from low to high, from small to large, the meaning is advanced layer by layer.

10. 進深造句:"You can't imagine how many politicians *** women into the deep ***, would not be able to address Parliament," commented Dr. Stoughton, adding that he had first-hand knowledge of the situation, as many such politicians were his patients.

Explanation: The depth of a yard or room.

11, evolutionary sentence: Since all instinctive behaviors have an evolutionary advantage or they wouldn't have been passed down for millions of years, it's likely that eating something dirty will also help us survive as a species.

Explanation: things change gradually from simple to complex, from low to high.

12. Improvement of the sentence: If people tend to wait for an official to tell them what to do when they're on a train, then maybe we should improve the communication system on trains so that people have a better chance in extreme situations.

Explanation: to change an old situation to make progress: ~ work.

13, Hyperinfluence sentence: In this article we report a 58-year-old man with suspected hyperthyroidism who complained of frequent chest pain at rest and an electrocardiogram showing changes typical of stenocardia.

Explanation: conditions in which physiologic functions are more than normal, e.g., gastrointestinal hyperactivity, hyperthyroidism.

14, forward sentence: You see, when she began to fall in love with him, the rest of the world is looking forward to the other shoe to drop quickly (the meaning of the end of suspense), he began to hold a firm belief in the effort to move forward, in addition to her there is no longer anything can be difficult to stop him.

Explanation: to move or develop forward.

15, into the sentence: He lined up these toy cars in the seat between us, two of them parked with their backs against the backs of the chairs, while the third was waiting to get into that spot between them.

Explanation: to a certain extent or in a certain period of time: ~ school | ~ new stage.

16. Promote sentence: Individual repositories of knowledge are organized and can serve as a place for *** enjoyment and exchange of resources, meaning that people are either users or producers, or can promote the collaborative production of public *** resources.

Explanation: to cause to develop: ~ pie.

17, long into the sentence: my title "do not ignore the trouble to bring you growth" assuming that you ignore the opportunity to grow, you will have encountered all kinds of difficulties without the slightest progress, no improvement and did not learn anything.

Explanation: progress in learning or behavior, etc.

18, process sentence: If you have only one CPU or a limited number of CPUs, then you must decide how to **** between several computing processes to enjoy these limited CPU resources.

Explanation: the process by which something changes or proceeds: the ~ of history | the ~ of revolution.

19, into the sentence: So, if you look at the development plan for the whole system, you will find the RUP phase sequence, and then look at the "in" words, you will find the development or life cycle of many RUPs, one for each subsystem.

Explanation: 2 is used after a verb to go inside: move the table ~ | the bottle is so big that your hand can reach ~ | the alley is too narrow for the truck to drive ~ | pass the letter through the window.

20, into the sentence: So, if you look at the development plan for the whole system, you will find the RUP phase sequence, and then look at the "in" words, you will find a number of RUP development or lifecycle, one for each subsystem.

Explanation: 2 is used after a verb to go inside: move the table ~ | the bottle is so big that your hand can reach ~ | the alley is too narrow for the truck to drive ~ | pass the letter through the window.

21, into the sentence: In addition, we want to completely analyze those implementation details from the logic model and "paste them in" as parameters in the code generation process.

Explanation: 2 is used after a verb to indicate that it comes inside: the smoke rushes ~ | he ran from the street ~ | the window was not glued, the wind blew ~ | I just saw a man come in from outside.

22, come into the sentence: In addition, we want to completely analyze those implementation details from the logic model, and "paste them in" as parameters in the code generation process.

Explanation: 2 is used after the verb to come inside: the smoke rushes ~ | he ran from the street ~ | the window was not glued, the wind blew ~ | I just saw a man come in from outside.

23, enhance the sentence: Juno's main purpose is to improve scientists' understanding of the composition and evolution of Jupiter, providing new insights into how planetary systems form and develop in the Milky Way and beyond.

Explanation: to increase and promote: ~ ~ friendship ~ ~ health.

24, evolutionary sentence: In addition, if the visual model can be used to begin the project's tasks or future activities, such as method evolution, maintenance, knowledge transfer, or training, then the visual model adds value to the project.

Explanation: evolutionary evolution.

25, into the invasion of the sentence: after landing on the muddy banks of the Elk River, Major General William? Sir William Howe led the British reinforcements under his command eastward in an attempt to capture Philadelphia, the site of the Continental Congress.

Explanation: an encroachment (of enemy troops toward a place).

26, input sentence: Second, the most valuable asset of the software enterprise is talent, software product development process of direct labor input in the product cost accounted for a very important part, but this part can not deduct the corresponding input tax.

Explanation: Income money: there has been a general increase in the ~ of the members of the community.

27, march sentence: In May this year, Triumph premiered a novel "looking for a son-in-law underwear", which features a countdown clock, once the engagement ring is inserted into it, it will play Mendelssohn's "Wedding March".

The "Golden Son-in-law Underwear" features a countdown clock that plays Mendelssohn's "Wedding March" once the engagement ring is inserted.

Explanation: A piece of music suitable for playing or singing when the team is marching, with a distinctive rhythm and a strict structure, composed of an even number of beats, such as the "March of the People's Liberation Army" and so on.

28, advanced sentence: "For me, the United States is a country with the most advanced modern culture, a place that is tolerant of everyone. No matter where you come from, you can find a comfortable life here, and I like that," he said.

Explanation: a faster progress, a higher level, which can be used as a model to learn from: ~ worker | ~ collective | ~ level.

29, decimalization sentence: It is believed that the advantage of this kind of table is that anyone who has such a decimal table, and then can see the altitude of the sun above the horizon, will immediately know his position on the earth.

Explanation: A way to keep track of the number, every ten into place, full ten that is, to the left into a, for example, 9 plus 1 for 10, 90 plus 10 for 100, 900 plus 100 for 1,000.

30, backward sentence: academic success makes me feel a sense of fulfillment, and I like to work hard with a group of friends with a lot of energy; but at the same time, I am very happy to work with the "backward students". I like to work hard with a group of driven friends, but at the same time I am happy to play with the "latecomers", who seem to me to be more sincere and loyal.

Explanation: (1) A person who is less learned or qualified. (2) People or groups of people who make slower progress and have a lower level: see ~ to help.

31, Feeding sentence: But he also said that brown-necked herons living on the Gulf Coast are still at risk from oil, and that these birds like to feed in shallow water, where crude oil usually collects.

Explanation: eating: on time ~ is a good habit.

32, Endeavour sentence: The space shuttles Discovery, Atlantis and Endeavour will soon be retired to make way for the new space program, which aims to send astronauts to space in 2025. The goal is to send astronauts to an asteroid and eventually land on Mars by 2025.

Explanation: To go forward.

33, mixed into the sentence: In a region known among adventure travelers for its pagoda-style mud mosques built generations ago, Gaddafi's mosque seems like a gaudy, ornate necklace mixed into an ancient jewelry box.

Explanation: to mix into an organization, a region.

34、Progress造句:When we came up with the mantra of not only expanding our core business, but also moving into these three areas of growth, it was important for us to show that we were making progress within 12 months, and we did do that.

Explanation: (thing) to move forward: ~ God's speed | rural electrification has ~.

35. further sentence: compared with the above example, you would hold more cards if you were to write a paper, at which point, by eliminating one of the piles of cards, you would be able to narrow down your topic as much as possible further.

Explanation: to indicate that something is carried out to a higher degree than before: ~ the mechanization of agriculture is realized | the establishment of the people's commune ~ has accelerated the pace of socialist revolution and construction in China.

36、进发造句: Whenever I left the jurisdiction of the previous customs house and headed for the next one, the staff there knew my whereabouts, and one customs official even asked if he could accompany me on my journey.

Explanation: (a group of vehicles, ships or people) set off forwards: the train headed for Beijing ~ | the squads split up ~.

37, in and out of the sentence: they had to avoid other vehicles, change lanes, turn, enter and exit the parking site, and cope with the obstacles of some fixed objects? From start to finish, obey the rules of the road and keep your car within the speed limit.

Explanation: (1) coming in and going out: the seven or eight families who live here are ~ by this door. (2) Income and Expenditure: This store has several thousand dollars ~ every day.

38, progressive sentence: Unlike blindness and deafness, which are often obvious relative to others (who are not afflicted by the problem), the loss of the sense of smell that accompanies ageing is often not realized because it arises I gradual.

Explanation: gradually advancing, developing: in an orderly ~.

39, Progressive sentence: If it was capable of driving some amazing progress, in another sense, it would have had to run very hard instead of just staying where it was.

Explanation: (1) (People or things) moving forward, better than the original: modesty makes one ~, pride makes one lag behind. (2) Suitable for the requirements of the times and contributing to the development of society: ~ ideas | ~ people.

40, upwardly mobile sentence: their style, allegedly "natural", "organic", in principle, rejected that kind of conformity, hygiene, the pursuit of upwardly mobile middle-class habits, and advocated a return to the folk tradition that has passed away.

Explanation: upward; progress: ~ heart | strive ~.

41. Leap Forward: China has leapt from having nothing to having everything in just a few years, and this has heralded Beijing's role as a national and international transportation nexus that is rapidly overshadowing that of the major Western cities.

Explanation: (1) to jump forward: to the left ~. (2) Metaphorically, to move forward extremely quickly: big ~.

42, evolutionary theory sentence: the genius of Darwin? Yes, the word genius is accurate and evident in his theory of evolution? The ability to link fundamentally different biological facts into a single unifying framework.

Explanation: see [Darwinism].

43, burst into the sentence: According to *** and the party congressman Darrell Issa gave the data, under this "wild ride" program, 1600 guns went to the crime syndicate, including high-powered sniper rifles.

Explanation: To concentrate forces in a certain direction or area.

44, advancement of the sentence: but I'm still hopeful? For example, after weeks of worryingly poor leadership, he seems to be pushing hard on health care reform again.

Explanation: (1) To push forward, to make advancement. (2) (of a front or an army in combat) to move forward.

45, imported sentence: But today's scientific? Instruments and equipment have reached a high level of standardization? Is it possible for newcomers to import them and begin difficult research almost immediately?

Explanation: 2 a door or opening through which one enters a building or site.

46, and into the sentence: However, innovation and agility need to go hand in hand; having a culture that encourages and empowers people to work on incubation projects is essential for any business to remain consistently innovative.

Explanation: not in sequence, at the same time: flush ~.

47、猛进造句: First, there's the Chinese high on meat consumption. For the first time ever, more and more people in emerging economies are becoming so affluent that they are starting to eat meat like Westerners.

Explanation: to advance bravely without fear of difficulty; to advance very quickly: to sing loudly | to fly suddenly |.

48, imported sentence: But today's science? Instruments and equipment have reached a high level of standardization? Is it possible for newcomers to import them and begin difficult research almost immediately?

Explanation: 2 a door or opening through which one enters a building or site.

49, in turn, sentence: As you can imagine, due to the presence of large amounts of feline feces, when cows and goats graze, they undoubtedly become infected with this toxoplasmosis, which in turn infects their brains.

Explanation: to move on; to go further: get the meaning of these terms straight before ~ discussing the contents of the document.

50, introduction of the sentence: During the assignment, you are going to introduce one or more people to run your software from your special customer or partner and ask them to take a week to test this new release in the development process.

Explanation:(1) To introduce. (2) To introduce new technology, new varieties, etc., from out of state or foreign countries.

51、进言造句: A new book being serialized in the Daily Mail says that British Foreign Secretary Jack? Straw had a last-minute message to Prime Minister Tony Blair asking him not to make a decision on Britain's participation in the Iraq war, but was rejected.

Explanation: to give advice (in a respectful or polite tone): bold ~ | to give you a word.

52. Steady progress sentence: Although the regional market is said to be part of the market as a whole, it still has to be done according to the laws of the market, step by step, in order to ensure that the regional market moves forward steadily and reaches its intended goals.

Allusion: Advance the work in proper steps.

53, inch by inch, step by step Chinese idiom: Unless the Taiwanese people wake up and hold Ma Ying-jeou and his men accountable, the KMT will continue to get an inch by step until the day when the Taiwanese people wake up and face a country that they no longer recognize.

Allusion: Having gained an inch, one wants to advance another foot. It is a metaphor for greed, having a small one and wanting a big one.

54, surging forward sentence: Sandberg helped Google turn online advertising into a cash cow, and during her time running the sales operation, the company's employee and revenue growth skyrocketed.

Allusion: sudden, fierce: describe rapid. It describes progress and development that is particularly rapid.

55, step-by-step sentence: Choose one that is ready to make a thorough Agile shift. But don't worry about whether all the projects or the whole organization is immediately transformed, think about how to "step by step" when it all comes.

Allusion: The term refers to the gradual progression or improvement of learning and work in a certain number of steps.

56, soaring in sentence: The spread of economic decline

will slow down the developing economies that have been soaring in the past decade

Next year's growth is expected to be 4.5 percent

In 2007 and 2008, the growth rate will be 7.9 percent and 6.3 percent, respectively.

Allusion: Singing loudly, advancing boldly.

Allusion: Singing loudly and marching forward with courage.

57, not to advance is to retreat sentence: I proposed this "not to advance is to retreat" policy to my wife, before I settled in a more peaceful, more stable, higher income state of life, I give myself one last chance to test my ideas.

Allusion: If you don't move forward, you have to move back.

58, in and out of the dilemma of the sentence: many cat lovers are faced with a dilemma: they want to pick up their cats and hug them tightly, but if they do so, their eyes swell up and they start sneezing.

Allusion: It is difficult to go forward and backward. It is a metaphor for things being undecided and therefore difficult to act.

59, in order to retreat into the sentence: So I often advise them to retreat into the, do not be calculating, sometimes in fact, is to take advantage of the loss, the philosophers once warned us "tolerate a moment of calm, one step back to the sea and the sky".

Allusion: This refers to the progress of virtue with humility, and later refers to the gesture of concession as a means of progress.

60, hundred-foot pole, further sentence: thick blessings, warm friendship, to the friends who will leave, I wish you have a better future, hundred-foot pole, further.

Allusion: Buddhist language, simile of Taoism, attainments, although deep, still need to practice to improve.

61, in and out of the dilemma sentence: the end of this in and out of the dilemma? Local farmers earn more, Bolivians who can enjoy the quality nutrition of quinoa is less? Let nutritionists and *** officials anxious to find a solution.

Allusion: Whether it is in or out, it is in a dilemma. It describes a dilemma.

62, know difficult to enter the sentence: More importantly, compared with women, men, in order to be recognized and rewarded, often know difficult to enter, take the initiative to negotiate with the company smooth, but a little risky work, and often end up with what they want.

Allusion: to rise to the occasion.

63. courageous refinement sentence: The Buddhist scriptures say that some of the disciples who practiced quite well were adopted by rich people, and thus in the generous offerings, the result was lost and could not be courageous refinement, all of which are obstacles on the road.

Allusion: The original meaning is to practice diligently.

Allusion: The original meaning is to practice diligently.

64, into the body of the steps of the sentence: its creation is either a self-appeasement of the lyrics of anger, or is flattering the master of the steps of the body.

Allusion: step: steps. The first step is to make the body able to ascend the ladder. The old term is used to refer to the doorway to promotion.

65, do not know in and out of the sentence: do not know in and out of non-true courage (do not have to make unnecessary risks).

Allusion: I don't know whether I should go forward or backward. The metaphor is that there is no decision.

Allusion: I don't know whether I should go forward or backward.

66, in and out of the lost sentence: Titans at first Olympus, will be in and out of the lost, Christians for the first time on the heaven, a moment is more likely to be at a loss.

Allusion: Forward and backward are lost.

Allusion: The forward and backward are out of order.

Allusion: The dilemma is that there is no way to move forward or backward.

67, there is in and out of the sentence: in terms of defense, they are a little less than their Scottish counterparts, but the sword has in and out of the sword, the attack is unparalleled.

Allusion: only forward, no backward.

A list of words with the word "into" in them 进的组词 进怎么组词 进的多音字组词 进字组词 进字组词

进书、进贺、进册、进馈、进进进、进复、进次、进笺、进点、进升、进抵、进春、进捣、进啖、进身、进读、进送、进讲、进who、进策、掘进、竞进、进對 In, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, out, in, in, out, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, out, in, out, in, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, In, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, out, in, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out, out advancement, hidden advancement, enhancement, camping advancement, enticement, hanging advancement, benefit advancement, dedication advancement, wedge advancement, special advancement, marching advancement, system advancement, hobby advancement, service advancement, phase advancement, title advancement, forcing advancement, upward advancement, concurrent advancement, curative advancement, negative advancement, improvement, high advancement, dry advancement, support advancement, Fan advancement, Fan advancement, Chen advancement, intrusion, advancement, promotion, pumping advancement, endeavor advancement, fighting advancement, advancement, advancement, advancement, advancement, advancement, attack, advancement, advancement, advancement, advancement, advancement, advancement, advancement, advancement, advancement, advancement, advancement, advancement, advancement, advancement, advancement, advancement, advancement, advancement, advancement, advancement, advancement In, into the speech, into the lay, into the guide, into the award, into the dry, into the industry, into the hustle, into the performance, into the official, into the money, into the go, into the to, into the martial arts, into the hoon, into the house, into the puff, into the white, into the force, into the road, into the goods, into the endowment, into the table, into the front, into the break, into the good, into the bank, into the bank, into, into the feast, into the steps, into the seal, into the exorcism, into the please, into the wall, into the narrative, into the Jean, into the parking, into the end, into the blessing, into the discussion, into the mastery, into the seal, into the meal, into the involved, Into the fire, into the Ding, into the deep, into the hand, into the time, into the advice, into the rich, into, into the presentation, into the fuck, into the slander, into the service, into the sandals, into the song, into the service, into the near, into the flattering, into the Tun, into the rank, into the marquis, into the cultivation, into the grass, into the set, into the da, into the ripe, into the wine, into the ceremony, into the work, into the jurisdiction, into the ribbon, into the Dun, into the duress, into the rank, into the zen, into the judging, into the bucket, into the project, into the entertainment, into the goblet, into the reduction, into the fight, into the gangs, into the shares, Into the shape, into the town, into the transport, into the station, into the mania, into the building, into the aid, into the worship, into the capacity, into the bow, into the account, into the fold, into the division, into the senator, into the lift, into the, into the residence, into the deposed, into the apparent, into the contribution, into the virtuous, into the rules, into the sword, into the city, into the disaster, into the pro, into the collar, into the visit, into the sparse, into the contribution, into the capital, into the enviable, into the wait, into the drums, into the reform, into the discussion, into the Lord, into the siege, into the g, into the mutation, into the rope, into the road, into the volume, 进辞, 進经, 進宦, 進朝, 進哨, 精進, 進诗, 進帆, 進驾, 進伎, 進进展, 進售, 進俸, 進戍, 進图, 進寇, 進脯, 進酬, 算进,突进,挺进,不正进, 条进, 通进,推进,肃进, 遂进,缩进, 蛇进, 時进,升进, 补进, 超进,称进, 长进, 受進, 同进,拔进,扒进, 少进,賞进, 拥进, 涌進, After, rush into, into the capital, into the gas, into the class, into the goblet, into the account, into the benefit, radicalization, recommendation into, following into, kneeling into, Goujin, lonely into, supply into, follow up into, Dunjin, Dunjin, divided into into, inches into, favored into, presenting into, Baojin, Fengjin, progressive, party into, Dengjin, Daijin, Diejin, urging into, supervising the advancement of, marching, the theory of advancement into, tired of, wildly into, to enter, to open into, to enter into the grace of, to enter into the force of, to enter into, into the entrench, to enter into the poison, to enter into the front, to enter into the ground, enter into the right, 进礼, 進舍, 進退, 進素, 進寿, 進港, 進画, 進教, 进化, 进士, 進惡, 進荐, 進进程, 進进出, 進口, 進狩, 進货, 進救, 進发, 進望, 進号, 進船, 進尺, 進伐, 進膳, 進犯, 進登, 進食, 進蹈, 進序, 進室, 進書面, 進道, 進說, 進窺, 跨进, 進計