What are the four components of the pdca management model

PDCA management model of the four links are: Plan (plan), Do (implementation), Check (check), Act (processing).

1, Plan (plan)

To market research, user visits, etc., to find out the user requirements for product quality, to determine the quality policy, quality objectives and quality plans. Including the status quo survey, analysis, determine the key factors, develop plans.

2, Do (execution)

Implementation of the contents of the previous stage. According to the quality standards, product design, trial production, testing and training of personnel before the implementation of the program.

3, Check (check)

Mainly in the process of program implementation or after the implementation of the implementation, check the implementation of the program to see whether it is in line with the expected results of the program.

4, Act (processing)

Mainly based on the results of the inspection, take appropriate measures. Consolidate the achievements, the success of the experience as far as possible into the standard, standardization, the remaining problems are transferred to the next PDCA cycle to solve.

PDCA cycle features

1, PDCA cycle has the characteristics of the cycle

It is not a process that runs once on the end, but week after week. When the end of a cycle, to solve part of the problem, there may be problems that have not been solved, or new problems, so the next round of PDCA cycle, and so on.

2, the PDCA cycle has a large ring with small ring characteristics

A medical organization's overall operation of the system and its internal sub-systems of the relationship between the large ring with the small ring of the organic logic of the combination.

3, PDCA cycle is a big step up the process

PDCA can not stay at a level, and constantly solve the problem of the process is the gradual increase in the level of quality.

4, PDCA cycle also requires scientific statistics

It requires the use of scientific statistical concepts and methods of processing, the use of a series of scientific management tools to promote the work, identify problems and solve them.