I want to do air testing, how do I apply for CMA certification? What are the requirements? With which unit to apply?

Application conditions

1, the applicant should be established in accordance with the law, independent, objective, impartial testing, calibration activities, can bear the corresponding legal responsibilities; the establishment and effective operation of the corresponding quality system 2, with testing, calibration activities and the main business of the main technical staff and management personnel

3, with a fixed place of work, the working environment should be to ensure that the test, Calibration data and results are true and accurate

4, with the correct testing, calibration activities required and can be adjusted independently of the use of fixed and mobile testing, calibration equipment and facilities

5, to meet the "Laboratory Accreditation Review Guidelines," the requirements of the

Application for submission of materials

1, metrological accreditation application (in triplicate.). Application can be downloaded from the commission's website);

2, proof of legal status;

3, proof of technical competence (premises, facilities, personnel, a copy of a sample of previous test reports);

4, management system documents (quality manuals, procedural documents, quality records)

China's administrative authority for metrological accreditation of the State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision Accreditation and Laboratory Accreditation Management Division.