What is the meaning of TPM now implemented in Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Branch?

The definition of TPM has undergone a process of continuous development and improvement. As early as 1971, the Japan Equipment Management Association gave a clear definition of TPM. Because TPM was applied only in the production department at that time, the early definition of TPM could be described as "the production department's definition of TPM.

The early definition of TPM was:

1. The goal was to achieve the highest overall efficiency of the equipment.

2. To establish a maintenance system targeting equipment.

3. The full participation of personnel from all departments, including equipment planning, utilization and maintenance.

4. Promotion of PM activities in the form of autonomous group activities.

From the above definition, it can be seen that the early definition of TPM focuses on the production department of the enterprise, the meaning of its full participation is limited, the efficiency of the equipment is the main goal of TPM. With the continuous development of TPM, the Japan Equipment Maintenance Association revamped the TPM definition in 1989. The new TPM definition is as follows:

1. The goal is to establish a sound production system efficiency limit of the enterprise system.

2. To establish a mechanism to prevent all losses (disasters, failures, defects, etc.) from occurring from the perspective of the production system as a whole.

3. Starting from the production department, the system is extended to all departments such as development, sales and management.

4. Full participation from top managers to front-line employees.

5. Relying on autonomous group activities to achieve the goal of zero wastage.

The new version of the TPM definition in the early TPM definition based on the realization of the production sector to all sectors of the enterprise to expand, the goal of the activity from the pursuit of equipment efficiency to the pursuit of the enterprise's entire production system. Below, the specific meaning of the new version of TPM is explained:

1. Establishment of a mechanism for the continuous pursuit of higher productivity and improvement of business operations, that is, through the continuous and efficient promotion of this activity, to continuously improve productivity, so that TPM activities become part of the overall management activities of the enterprise.

2. The construction of a mechanism to prevent the occurrence of all losses is itself a means to achieve the improvement of enterprise management mechanism, but also to improve the activities pursued by the goal. In order to achieve the goal, it is necessary to start from the scene, discover the existence of problems, find the causes, and then improve and deal with them. At the same time, it is also necessary to predict the problems that may occur and take effective measures to prevent them and eliminate the occurrence of accidents.

3. Improvement activities involve all departments and employees of the enterprise. Bottom-up participation means that the top management of the enterprise to the front-line staff are actively involved in improvement activities. Full participation is also one of the goals of TPM activities, and it is important that the top management of the enterprise should take the lead as the advocate and active participant in the activities.

4. Repeated group activities refer to autonomous and functional group activities, sometimes called PG (ProjectGroup) activities. TPM activities emphasize autonomous activities, but also advocate organized functional activities (i.e., to improve the activities as part of the job duties and daily work), organized functional activities are very helpful to promote the activities.

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