Laboratory wastewater treatment equipment has the following functions
Removal of CDC due to pharmaceuticals produced by the intoxicated residual nutrients, such as sugars, proteins, lipids, and inorganic salts (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, SO42- , HPO42-, Cl-, C2O4, etc.), this type of wastewater pollutants in high concentrations, containing a large number of toxic and harmful substances, Biological inhibitors, but also some acids, alkalis, organic solvents and chemical raw materials and other substances.
2. Remove some of the fermentation fluid produced by the CDC when extracting pharmaceuticals, mainly some acids, alkalis and organic solvents.
3. Removal of sewage generated by the CDC as a result of washing, this type of sewage pollution is the most complex, chemical reactions are also more.
4. Removal of CDC experiments produced by inorganic wastewater, such as heavy metals (containing iron, drilling, copper, silver, cadmium, lead, rubbing, chromium, titanium, the wrong, tin, aluminum, magnesium, nickel, zinc, silver, etc.), containing arsenic (waste liquid contains AsO32- and AsO43-), containing (waste liquid contains free, compounds, or complexed compounds), containing (waste liquid contains Hg, Hg2), fluorine (), fluoride (waste liquid contains fluorine acid or fluoride), fluoride (waste liquid contains fluorine acid or fluoride). Waste liquid contains fluorine acid or fluoride) and acid and alkali.
5. Remove the treatment of hazardous wastewater, treatment of hazardous wastewater is the CDC generated the most sewage. As the CDC is faced with some highly infectious viruses every day, such as the new coronavirus and its mutated viruses. This type of sewage generally contains a variety of bacteria, viruses and parasites, pathogenic microorganisms are mainly pathogenic bacteria, enteric viruses, helminth eggs and protozoa.
Laboratory wastewater treatment equipment applications
1. For biological research wastewater treatment in university research laboratories
2. For experimental wastewater treatment in secondary school laboratories
3. For laboratory wastewater treatment in military industrial enterprises, virus research bases
4. For laboratory wastewater treatment in pharmaceutical factories
5. Used in hospitals, medical institutions laboratory wastewater treatment
6. Used in biological research institutes, pharmaceutical R & D base of laboratory wastewater treatment