This you must see, are digging diamonds to prepare! It's sure to make you a millionaire overnight!
Well brother, diamonds are not something to be dug up, but right now, I'm in the middle of a server where two large chests of diamonds are available. Well, first you dig down, until you reach the bottom, then, jump up about 5 squares. Well, remember to bring enough resources such as wood, and if necessary, some dirt, buckets of water, seeds, and plow the ground, as long as there is a light source plants will grow. Then, up your front and back, dig out a square, well, that's your underground home. Remember, always bring enough resources with you, and don't block that hole you dug down, because, if it's night, it's going to be swarming with monsters, and they're going to fall off of it, and when they fall, of course they die, and then you can pick up stuff. However, it basically won't brush the monsters that high up, your front and back, left and right, up and down, it will brush the monsters within 60 squares, and not outside of that. Well, put in synthesizer tables, furnaces, chests, etc. and it's official.
Dig on all four walls of your underground home, one square for every empty square, one square wide and three squares high, and then, just dig in those places, it's much better than digging blindly. If you can't understand it, here's a picture.
And don't listen to the nonsense downstairs, diamonds are not next to magma. Then why are diamonds often found next to magma? It's because my world is covered in so much magma that it's easy to run into it when digging for diamonds.