What are the major classifications of waste gas treatment equipment

√ √ Building owner Hello, according to your question, the following for you to do a detailed answer:

Industrial exhaust gas treatment equipment commonly used equipment are exhaust gas tower, activated carbon adsorption equipment, UV photolysis exhaust gas treatment equipment, plasma exhaust gas treatment equipment, UV photolysis activated carbon exhaust gas treatment machine, plasma activated carbon exhaust gas treatment machine, bio-odorizing equipment, pulse de-dusting equipment, fume Purifier, catalytic combustion equipment, environmental protection online monitoring equipment, these are currently commonly used environmental protection equipment, for the enterprise's situation is different, the combination of waste gas treatment process and equipment is not the same.

Waste gas treatment tower

Spray tower, washing waste gas tower, washing tower, acid mist treatment tower, its main function is to reduce the concentration of waste gas by flushing, through the dosing system, so that the waste gas into the filler layer, acid and alkali waste gas to play a neutralizing effect, is the waste gas pre-preparation to reduce the concentration of commonly used equipment. Cyclone tower, belongs to a kind of waste gas tower, the use of cyclone, can make the desulfurization and deacidification more fully, play the role of desulfurization and deacidification.

Activated carbon adsorption equipment

Enterprises commonly used activated carbon adsorption box, through the pre-treatment of the exhaust gas tower, into the activated carbon adsorption box, the activated carbon for the molecular particles of the VOCS exhaust gas has a very good adsorption, and can play a purification of the effect of the exhaust gas.

Plasma exhaust gas treatment equipment

The main principle is to generate a strong electromagnetic field, the release of ozone, which decomposes malodorous gases, to achieve a good deodorization and deodorization of the fumes.?

Biological deodorization tower

Also known as biological drip filter tower, is through the cultivation of biological bacteria, biological bacteria on malodorous gases, such as sulfur gas, ammonia and other exhaust gases are absorbed, the release of carbon dioxide and water in the process of the late dimension of the equipment is easy to take care of.

Pulse dust removal equipment

Divided into dry dust removal and wet dust removal, dry dust collector is mainly for dry dust, the use of the principle of electromagnetic field, so that the dust rotates under the action of gravity thrown out, and then in the bottom of the tower of the equipment into the ash, and then through the mechanical vibration of the ash. Wet dust removal equipment, also known as wet electric dust removal, it is mainly for wet dust, fine particles, and some with a bad smell of bubbly dust to clean up, the use of spray washing ash, so that the dust is handled more cleanly, no secondary pollution.

Catalytic combustion equipment

Also known as RCO, the equipment has adsorption and desorption, heat storage, blowing, release of heat energy, repeated operation, through the role of the catalyst, the general temperature between 300 ℃ -500 ℃, so that the exhaust gas at low temperatures for flameless combustion, so that the exhaust gas treatment more completely.

Waste gas treatment equipment classification

Solid waste treatment equipment: solid waste treatment equipment usually refers to the physical, chemical, biological, physicochemical and biochemical methods of converting solid waste into suitable for transportation, storage, utilization or disposal processes. The goal of solid waste treatment is harmlessness, reduction and resourcefulness.

Environmental monitoring equipment: the process of intermittently or continuously observing, measuring and analyzing changes in one or more environmental elements or indicators and their impact on the environment through comparable environmental information and data collection for a specific purpose over a predetermined period of time and space.

Air treatment equipment: air treatment equipment (also known as "air purification equipment" or "air freshener") refers to the ability to filter or kill air pollutants, effectively improve air cleanliness. At present, domestic and commercial air purification equipment is mainly used to remove indoor air pollution.

Sewage treatment equipment: sewage treatment equipment is a kind of industrial equipment, can effectively deal with urban sewage and industrial wastewater, in order to avoid sewage and pollutants flowing directly into the waters, has an important significance, to improve the ecological environment, improve the taste of the city, and promote economic development.

Environmental Protection Instrumentation: Broadly speaking, everything related to environmental protection can be regarded as a module, factory production and operation of replaceable and independent instrumentation can be called environmental protection instrumentation.

I hope this answer will help you!