What is the phone number of Anhui Lemeta Biotechnology Co.

Anhui Lemida Biotechnology Co. Ltd contact information: the company phone number 0551-82311773, 公司邮箱xucy@bloomagebiotech.com, the company has 4 contact information in the love enterprise search ***, which has a phone number 2.

Company Profile:

Anhui Lemeta Bio-technology Co. Ltd. is a limited liability company established on 2018-08-30 in Chaohu City, Hefei City, Anhui Province, the registered address is located in the Anhui Chaohu Economic Development Zone, Huashan Industrial Park, the unnamed environmental protection industrial park, 6 # building.

Anhui Lemida Biotechnology Co., Ltd. legal representative Sun Chunxiao, with a registered capital of 10 million (yuan), is currently in the state of operation.

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